Area Sport Fishing Reports
Prince William Sound

Archived Sport Fishing Report

May 22, 2024

General Area Description: includes all waters between Cape Fairfield and Cape Suckling.

Freshwater Fishing


  • Sockeye salmon are starting to return to the Eyak River near Cordova. However, no catches have been reported by anglers and fishing is expected to be slow this early in the run.

Cutthroat Trout/Dolly Varden

  • From April 15 - June 14 there is no retention of cutthroat trout, rainbow trout, or steelhead trout to protect spawning fish. In addition, no bait is allowed during this time.
  • With the cold and late spring, Dolly Varden has been slow. As the weather warms up and salmon fry begin to move, fishing near the creek mouths throughout Prince William Sound should begin to improve.
  • Cutthroat trout fishing has been good in Cordova area lakes.

Saltwater Fishing


  • Halibut fishing has been fair in Prince William Sound with anglers reporting sporadic catches of good-sized halibut in various bays.
  • Halibut fishing is off to a slow start near the entrances into Prince William Sound. Fishing will improve as larger fish begin to migrate into Prince William Sound from the Gulf of Alaska.


  • Lingcod season is closed until July 1.


  • By emergency order, Yelloweye Rockfish may not be retained from April 1–June 30.
  • Large schools of pelagic rockfish have yet to return to the inside waters of Prince William Sound but can be found near the entrances and the coastal outside waters.

Other Finfish

  • Fishing for Pacific (gray) cod has been good to excellent throughout Prince William Sound and outside waters while targeting other saltwater species.


  • King salmon fishing has been slow in Prince William Sound. Anglers that have been putting effort into trolling are catching the occasional king salmon near Culross and Perry Islands.
  • There are no reports of king salmon having been caught at Fleming Spit (in Cordova) yet. Try casting a larger spinner or drift a herring under a bobber during the incoming tide.

Local Lakes

  • Both Blueberry and Thompson lakes are currently iced up.
  • Ruth Pond (Valdez area) will be stocked in late June. Fishing is expected to be slow until then.

Special Species Information


  • Shrimping has been good in Northern Prince William Sound over the last week with catches coming from various depths between 300-450’.


  • There have been reports of good catches of squid across Prince William Sound with anglers targeting them successfully at deeper depths (500-700’)

Emergency Orders

Please review the emergency orders and advisory announcements below in their entirety before heading out on your next fishing trip.

  • Emergency Order 2-SHR-6-03-24 reduced the number of shrimp pots allowed to harvest shrimp in the Prince William Sound noncommercial shrimp fishery. The pot limit per person and per vessel has been reduced to three pots; however, of those three pots only two pots can be set in areas of historical high effort including areas near the Port of Valdez, near the Port of Whittier, and in portions of Port Wells and Culross Passage.
  • Emergency Order 2-RF-6-04-24 reduces the rockfish bag and possession limits in Prince William Sound to three per day and six in possession of which only one per day, one in possession can be nonpelagic. In addition, from April 1 through June 30, 2023, yelloweye rockfish may not be retained.

Don't forget to purchase your 2024 sport fishing license and king stamp! You can purchase and display your fishing license and king stamp, record your annual harvest (i.e. king salmon), access sport fishing regulations and locations, and so much more on your mobile device. Download the ADF&G Mobile App today. You can also purchase licenses through the ADF&G online store and print it off from the comfort of your own home. Make sure to review emergency orders, advisory announcements, and the 2024 Southcentral Alaska Sport Fishing Regulations Summary booklet for the area you are fishing before you head out.

For additional information, please contact the Anchorage Area Office at (907) 267-2218.


Prince William Sound Area Archives for:
Jul 10, 2024 Jul 03, 2024 Jun 26, 2024 Jun 20, 2024 Jun 13, 2024 Jun 05, 2024 May 22, 2024 May 15, 2024