Division of Sport Fish
Israel Payton, Director

Anchorage Headquarters Office
333 Raspberry Road
Anchorage, AK 99518

Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Doug Vincent-Lang, Commissioner

P.O. Box 115526
Juneau, AK 99811-5526

Advisory Announcement
(Released: August 21, 2024 - Expires: September 30, 2024)

CONTACT: Daryl Lescanec
Assistant Area Management Biologist
(907) 746-6300

West Cook Inlet Fresh Waters Coho Salmon Restrictions

(Southcentral) – The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is implementing the following sport fishing regulation restrictions for the flowing fresh waters of the West Cook Inlet effective 12:01 a.m. Saturday, August 24 through 11:59 p.m. September 30, 2024. For salmon, other than king salmon 16” or greater in length, the bag limit will be reduced to three fish per day and six in possession of which only two fish per day and four fish in possession may be coho salmon. The West Cook Inlet area includes all drainages between the Susitna River and Cape Douglas which includes the Chuitna River, Big River Lales system, Kustatan River north of the North Forelands and Silver Salmon Creek, Shelter Creek, and the Kamishak River south of the North Forelands. All other sport fishing regulations will remain in affect for the remainder of the season. Please review pages 11 through 13 of the Southcentral sport fishing regulation summary booklet for West Cook Inlet freshwater regulations.

Based on the performance indicators of both freshwater and saltwater sport fisheries from throughout Southcentral Alaska, this year’s coho salmon run is well below average and restrictions or closures have already been issued for the Northern Cook Inlet area, Anchorage Bowl Area, and Valdez. Currently there is no coho salmon stock assessment in West Cook Inlet. Given the lack of additional information and the potential to shift effort to these stocks with other coho salmon fishery restrictions, a precautionary approach is warranted for the remainder of the coho salmon run in West Cook Inlet.

In conjunction with this emergency order, the department has also issued EO 2-SS-2-55-24 to reduce the coho salmon bag limit in the Kenai River, EO 2-SS-2-54-24 to reduce the coho salmon bag limit in the Kasilof River, EO 2-SS-2-57-24 to reduce the coho salmon bag limit in Kenai Peninsula fresh waters, EO 2-SS-2-58-24 to reduce the coho salmon bag limit in Cook Inlet and North Gulf Coast salt waters, EO 2-SS-8-59-24 to reduce the Resurrection Bay Terminal Harvest Area, and EO 2-SS-6-60-24 to reduce the coho salmon bag limit in Prince William Sound salt waters. Please review these emergency orders and advisory announcements in their entirety for the specific regulatory changes.

“Given the poor coho salmon returns to Mat-su area drainages and the fishery indicators for the rest of Cook Inlet,” stated sport fish biologist Daryl Lescanec. “It is likely that coho salmon runs in West Cook Inlet are also weak and a precautionary approach is necessary.”

For additional information, please contact Daryl Lescanec, Palmer Fisheries Biologist at (907)746-6300 or Homer Area Management Biologist Mike Booz at (907) 235-8191.
