Division of Sport Fish
Israel Payton, Director

Anchorage Headquarters Office
333 Raspberry Road
Anchorage, AK 99518

Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Doug Vincent-Lang, Commissioner

P.O. Box 115526
Juneau, AK 99811-5526

Advisory Announcement
(Released: February 11, 2025 - Expires: September 15, 2025)

CONTACT: Mike Booz
Area Management Biologist
(907) 235-8191

King Salmon Restrictions in Cook Inlet Salt Waters

(Homer) - In order to reduce harvest of Cook Inlet king salmon stocks that are experiencing a period of low productivity and provide a more comprehensive and precautionary approach to king salmon sport fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is restricting king salmon sport fishing regulations in the Cook Inlet saltwater summer and winter fisheries. In all Cook Inlet salt waters north of the latitude of Bluff Point (59° 40.00' N. lat.), king salmon fishing, including catch-and-release, will be closed from May 1 through August 15, 2025. King salmon incidentally caught while fishing for other fish species may not be removed from the water and must be released immediately. In Lower Cook Inlet (south of Bluff Point to the latitude of Cape Douglas and east of Gore Point), including Kachemak Bay, the bag and possession limits will be restricted to one king salmon any size from April 1 through August 31. Additionally, the bag and possession limits will remain one king salmon any size for all Cook Inlet salt waters from September 1 through September 15 for the start of the winter fishery. All other king salmon sport fishing regulations for Cook Inlet salt waters will remain in effect. Please review the current Southcentral Sport Fishing Regulation Summary booklet for those regulations. These changes do not affect fishing for other species, including halibut.

Based on the recent early-run king salmon escapement monitoring in the Kenai, Anchor, and Deshka Rivers, this year’s king salmon runs are forecasted to be below the lower end of their escapement goals, which has triggered preseason closures for the inriver sport fisheries in these streams and also triggers the closure of Upper Cook Inlet salt waters north of the latitude of Bluff Point from May 1 to July 15 as outlined in the Upper Cook Inlet Summer Salt Water King Salmon Management Plan. The Alaska Board of Fisheries adopted a recovery plan (Kenai River late-run king salmon stock of concern management plan) to rebuild Kenai River late-run king salmon, which includes a closure to sport fishing for king salmon north of Bluff Point from June 20 to August 15. This restriction will be in place annually until the Kenai River late-run king salmon meets the criteria to be removed from stock of concern status outlined in the action plan.

In the Lower Cook Inlet summer fishery south of the latitude of Bluff Point (59° 40.00' N. lat.), the Nick Dudiak Fishing Lagoon on the Homer Spit and the Seldovia slough and lagoon terminal fisheries are excluded from the bag limit reduction from two to one king salmon. For a description of the Nick Dudiak Fishing Lagoon and the Seldovia slough and lagoon waters, please see the current Southcentral Sport Fishing Regulation Summary booklet.

This emergency order action in Cook Inlet salt waters is in combination with freshwater sport fishery restrictions throughout Cook Inlet.

“King salmon have continued to decline and were at historic low levels in 2024,” stated Area Management Biologist Mike Booz. “These restrictions are to maximize escapements, while taking a more precautionary approach to king salmon sport harvest opportunities in these mixed stock fisheries.”

For more information, please contact Area Management Biologist Mike Booz, or Assistant Area Management Biologist Holly Dickson at 907-235-8191.

North of Bluff Pt (gray)- closed to sport fishing for king salmon May 1-August 15, bag and possession limit of one king salmon April 1-30 and August 16-September 15.

South of Bluff Point (pink) - bag and possession limit of one king salmon April 1 - September 15.

King Salmon Restrictions in Cook Inlet Salt Waters
