(Released: October 03, 2022 - Expired: October 15, 2022)
CONTACT: Tracy Hansen
Assistant Area Management Biologist
(907) 822-3309

2022 Chitina Dipnet Permit Reports Due Online by October 15

(Glennallen) - The Chitina Personal Use Salmon Fishery closed on September 30, 2022. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) would like to remind Chitina Personal Use Salmon Fishery permit holders that October 15, 2022, is the deadline to report fishery participation and harvest. Permit reporting is mandatory, and all permit holders are required by law to report even if they did not fish or if they fished and caught nothing.

Permit reports must be completed online through the ADF&G Harvest Reporting webpage. Permits delivered by mail or by hand-delivery will not be accepted.

Permit holders who fail to report online by the October 15 deadline will be denied a permit for the fishery for the next calendar year.

Timely and accurate reporting of participation and harvest is necessary for the sustainable management of the Copper River salmon fisheries.

For additional information, please contact Tracy Hansen at (907) 822-3309 or by email.
