(Released: June 27, 2019 - Expired: December 31, 2019)
Division of Sport Fish
Dave Rutz, Director
Anchorage Headquarters Office
333 Raspberry Road
Anchorage, AK 99518

Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Doug Vincent-Lang, Commissioner
P.O. Box 115526
Juneau, AK 99811-5526

Contact: Tyler Polum, Area Management Biologist
(907) 486-1880
Buskin River Sockeye Salmon Bag Limit Increased

(Kodiak) - The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is implementing the following sport fishing regulation liberalization by increasing the bag limit for sockeye salmon to 5 per day and 5 in possession, of which all five may be sockeye salmon in the Buskin River drainage. This regulatory change is effective 12:01 a.m. Friday, June 28 through 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, December 31, 2019.

As of June 26, 2019, 7,114 sockeye salmon have passed the weir. The escapement goal for sockeye salmon into the Buskin River drainage is 5,000 to 8,000 fish. Typically, about 65% of the run has occurred and the spawning escapement is projected to exceed the upper end of the escapement goal for this stock. Therefore, it is warranted to increase the bag limit for sockeye salmon to provide additional angler opportunity and attempt to achieve escapement goals for this system.

“While the Buskin River sockeye run started off very slow, a large push of fish has entered the river in the last week,” stated Area Management Biologist Tyler Polum. “Now we’re projecting to exceed the upper end of the escapement goal and can increase the bag limit to 5 per day. It’s a great chance for anglers to get out with their families and catch some sockeye.”

For additional information, please contact the Division of Sport Fish Kodiak Office at (907) 486-1880.
