(Released: September 07, 2018 - Expired: October 31, 2018)
Division of Sport Fish
Tom Brookover, Director
Anchorage Headquarters Office
333 Raspberry Road
Anchorage, AK 99518

Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Sam Cotten, Commissioner
P.O. Box 115526
Juneau, AK 99811-5526

Contact: David Love, Assistant Area Management Biologist
(907) 465-4318
Revised: Coho Salmon Limits Liberalized in Saltwater Hatchery Area near Juneau

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish announced today that sport fishing regulations for hatchery coho salmon will be liberalized in a designated saltwater hatchery sport harvest area near Juneau (see attached map). These new regulations are intended to provide opportunity to harvest surplus hatchery coho salmon returning to the Juneau area.

These hatchery coho salmon regulations in a designated saltwater hatchery sport harvest area are as follows;

From Friday, September 7 through Wednesday, October 31, 2018:

  • The daily coho salmon bag and possession limit is 12 coho salmon of any size for all anglers;
  • Coho salmon remain at a daily bag limit of 6 fish, 12 in possession in the waters of Auke Bay east of a line from Waydelich (Wadleigh) Creek to an ADF&G marker located ¼ mile south of the mouth of Auke Creek (see attached map).

The department is liberalizing sport fishing regulations in the designated saltwater hatchery sport harvest area due to the large number of returning hatchery coho salmon in excess of broodstock needs.

Anglers should note that the bag limits for coho salmon in the salt waters outside of the designated saltwater hatchery sport harvest area and the area of Auke Bay described above are more restrictive, and regulations prohibit anglers from possessing fish that exceed the limits for the waters where they are fishing.

Coho salmon sport fishing regulations for freshwater drainages on the Juneau road system are also more restrictive, and are described on pages 21-22 of the 2018 Southeast Sport Fishing Regulations Summary.

For additional information contact the Division of Sport Fish Region 1 office in Juneau at (907) 465-4270

Coho Salmon Limits Liberalized in Saltwater Hatchery Area near Juneau
