(Released: May 17, 2018 - Expired: June 14, 2018)
Division of Sport Fish
Tom Brookover, Director
Anchorage Headquarters Office
333 Raspberry Road
Anchorage, AK 99518

Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Sam Cotten, Commissioner
P.O. Box 115526
Juneau, AK 99811-5526

Contact: Craig Schwanke, Area Management Biologist
(907) 826-2498
Hatchery King Salmon Harvest Opened in Coffman Cove

Beginning Friday, May 18, through Thursday, June 14, 2018, the king salmon regulations in Coffman Cove are as follows:

  • In the continuous waters (black area — See Map) of Coffman Cove west of a line from the mainland of Prince of Wales Island at 56o 01.23 N. lat., 132o 49.86 W. long. to Coffman Island at 56o 01.37 N. lat., 132o 50.20 W. long. and south of a line from the mainland to Coffman Island at 56o 1.69’ N. lat.
    • The bag and possession limit for all anglers is one king salmon 28 inches or greater in length;
    • The nonresident annual harvest limit is three king salmon 28 inches or greater in length.

The Alaska Board of Fisheries authorized the department to use its emergency order authority to open terminal harvest areas to target surplus Alaska hatchery king salmon. The area opened by this emergency order will allow anglers to target Alaska hatchery-produced king salmon originating from the Port Saint Nicholas hatchery near Craig. The last release of king salmon in Coffman Cove occurred in 2016, as a result returning hatchery king salmon will be 4-year old fish. Broodstock are not collected at Coffman Cove providing a surplus of hatchery fish for harvest by sport anglers.

Anglers are reminded that until June 15, the salt waters outside of Coffman Cove Terminal Harvest Area are closed to king salmon retention. Therefore, anglers fishing in multiple areas for other species must be diligent to ensure they do not possess king salmon in areas that prohibit the retention of king salmon. On June 15, 2018 regionwide regulations will apply in these areas.

For further information concerning this announcement please contact Prince of Wales Area Management Biologist, Craig Schwanke at (907) 826-2498.

Hatchery King Salmon Harvest Opened in Coffman Cove
