Catcher Exporter & Buyer Exporter
Fisheries Business Licenses

  • Catcher Exporters can export only their own harvest out of Alaska.
  • Catcher Exporters are not permitted to purchase fish from other fishermen.
  • Buyer Exporters can buy fish from fishermen and export the fish out of Alaska.
  • Exporters can export unprocessed or custom processed fish. Exporters are not permitted to process fish themselves. See "What is Processing"
  • Exporters need permits from the Department of Environmental Conservation to package seafood; See DEC's Seafood page external site link or call (907) 269-7501 for information.
  • Federal permits are needed to sell halibut or fish harvested in federally managed fisheries. Contact NOAA Fisheries Permitting at (907) 586-7202 for information.
  • A known shipper permit may be needed to fly seafood out of Alaska; check with the airline.
  • Catcher Exporters and Buyer Exporters are required to complete the Commercial Operators Annual Report (COAR)
  • You must check with the nearest local ADF&G office to obtain instructions on reporting requirements in your area.

Please contact the Seafood Industry Technician at (907) 465-6131 or if you have questions.

How to Apply for a Catcher Exporter or Buyer Exporter License

Online applications are accepted through the Alaska Department of Revenue. The Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) and the Department of Revenue use the Revenue Online system external site link to process and issue licenses, code plates, and fish ticket books.

Contact the Department of Revenue's Fisheries Business License Help Desk at (907) 269-0041 if you have questions regarding Direct Marketer and Catcher Processor fisheries business licenses or fisheries taxes, or for assistance with the Revenue Online System.

Catcher Exporter fisheries business licenses are for fishermen who have at least one permit from the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC) for the current year and who intend to sell only their own unprocessed or custom processed catch.

Buyer Exporters are not required to have a CFEC permit, are licensed to buy fish from fishermen, and export unprocessed or custom processed fish.

Additional Information

  • Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) is a marketing organization with the mission of increasing the economic value of Alaska seafood. For more information, visit ASMI