Commercial Fishing Reporting
Commercial Operator's Annual Reports (COAR)

  • Direct Marketers, Catcher Processors, Catcher Exporters, Buyer Exporters, Shore-based Processors, or Floating Processor permit holders are required by 5 AAC 39.30 and 50 CFR 679 to complete and submit the Commercial Operator's Annual Report.
  • Direct Marketers, Catcher/Processors, or Catcher/Exporters do not fill out buying forms for their own harvest.
  • If you did not use your processor code, complete and submit only the Certification page.
  • Failure to submit the COAR by the April 1 deadline can result in reporting to the troopers.

Complete and Submit the COAR

Everyone must complete the Certification form.

There are six COAR forms: Buying, Production by You, Custom Production for You, Custom Production by You, Retro/Postseason Buying Adjustments, and Retro/Postseason Sales Adjustments.

Complete only the forms that apply to your business activities.


Excel Spreadsheet

Submit by email only to

Data may be copied or typed into the COAR Excel template file. Do not add formulas; change formatting; add or delete columns or rows; or add or delete worksheets.


Email forms to or
Mail forms to ADF&G, Division of Commercial Fisheries, PO Box 115526, Juneau, AK 99811


The COAR reporting process has been incorporated into the eLandings System* to provide more efficient and more accurate reporting. The eLandings/COAR reporting process allows industry to extract all buying and production activity by COAR areas. The eLandings System will generate a spreadsheet summarizing all activity for each unique Processor Code. For more information, visit the eLandings User Documentation chapter for the COAR.

* Must be an eLandings user to use the eLandings COAR reporting process.

COAR Area for Buying and Production Forms

Use the following resources to determine the COAR Area of Harvest, COAR Area of Purchase and COAR Area of Processing. At-sea operations record the harvest area as the area of purchase on the COAR Buying Form.


COAR Areas based on ADF&G Statistical Areas

Summarized COAR Data