Southeast Alaska Chinook Fishery Mitigation Program
2024 Projects

In 2024, the State of Alaska received a combined grant of $682,107 from the Department of Interior and the Department of Commerce administered by NOAA Fisheries. The ADF&G in coordination with the Stakeholder Panel conducted solicitations for proposals. The request for proposals was distributed to Southeast Alaska stakeholders on with a due date of March 4, 2024 for Hatchery Enhancement.

Hatchery Enhancement Projects

Ten proposals were received for enhancement projects totaling $1.35 million. The Stakeholder Panel recommended seven of the projects for funding totaling $682,107. The following enhancement related projects were approved:

2024 Funding Allocation for Hatchery Enhancement Projects
Recipient Project Name Amount
Armstrong-Keta, Inc. (AKI) Port Armstrong Hatchery Electrical Hookup for Feed Blower $73,655
Douglas Island Pink and Chum (DIPAC) Macaulay Salmon Hatchery Chinook Start Tanks $70,000
Fish Creek Pond Chinook Net Pen Rebuild $78,000
Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association Hidden Falls Chinook and Coho Increase - Optimization $165,000
Medvejie Chinook Increase $160,000
Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association Crystal Lake Hatchery Broodstock Capture and Transport $32,800
Crystal Lake Hatchery Temperature Mitigation $102,652