Southeast Alaska Chinook Fishery Mitigation Program
2022 Projects

In 2022, the State of Alaska received a combined grant of $4.04 million from the Department of Interior and the Department of Commerce administered by NOAA Fisheries. The ADF&G in coordination with the Stakeholder Panel conducted solicitations for proposals. The request for proposals was distributed to Southeast Alaska stakeholders on with a due date of February 18, 2022 for Salmon Enhancement and Hatchery Research.

Salmon Enhancement Projects

Five proposals were received for Salmon Enhancement projects totaling $5.6 million. The Stakeholder Panel recommended three of the projects for funding totaling $3.8 million. The following salmon enhancement related projects were approved:

2022 Funding Allocation for Salmon Enhancement Projects
Recipient Project Name Amount
Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association Sawmill Creek Hatchery Expansion: Phases VI Subphase 1 $2,259,000
Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association Maintain Chinook Rearing at Whitman Lake Hatchery $575,900
Whitman Lake Rearing Capacity Increase: Phase III $980,535

Hatchery Research Projects

One Hatchery Research proposal was received with a total funding request of $225,000. The Stakeholder Panel recommended that project for funding totaling $225,000. The following research project was approved:

2022 Funding Allocation for Hatchery Research Projects
Recipient Project Name Amount
Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association Chatham Predator Study $225,000

Marking, Tagging, and Evaluation Projects

The State of Alaska received $4.7 million from the enacted FY20 Department of Interior federal budget administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Per the authorization language in the federal bill, funds were to be used to expand the marking and tagging rate for Chinook salmon to reduce uncertainty in catch estimates of Alaska-origin hatchery fish and expand access to Alaska's hatchery production. In 2022, approximately $911,000 of those funds remain unobligated. Three proposals were received totaling $876,593. The Stakeholder Panel further broke down some of the components and recommended four proposals at a reduced amount. The four projects recommended total $268,198. The following marking, tagging, and evaluation related projects were approved:

2022 Funding Allocation for Marking, Tagging, and Evaluation Projects
Recipient Project Name Amount
Alaska Department of Fish & Game Expanded Sport Fish Sampling $88,593
Douglas Island Pink and Chum, Inc. Supplies, Labor, and Building Retrofit for use of Tagging Trailer $76,000
Materials and Supplies for Marking and Tagging $30,925
Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association Chinook Marking and Tagging Equipment $72,680