Southeast Alaska Chinook Fishery Mitigation Program
2023 Projects

In 2023, the State of Alaska received a combined grant of $5.6 million from the Department of Interior and the Department of Commerce administered by NOAA Fisheries. The ADF&G in coordination with the Stakeholder Panel conducted solicitations for proposals. The request for proposals was distributed to Southeast Alaska stakeholders with a due date of February 15, 2023 for marking, tagging, evaluation and hatchery salmon enhancement.

Salmon Enhancement Projects

Five proposals were received for Salmon Enhancement projects totaling $6.37 million. The Stakeholder Panel recommended three of the projects for funding totaling $5.6 million. The following salmon enhancement related projects were approved:

2023 Funding Allocation for Salmon Enhancement Projects
Recipient Project Name Amount
Douglas Island Pink and Chum, Inc. Macauley Salmon Hatchery Chinook Incubation Recycle Equipment Upgrade $60,000
Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association Sawmill Creek Hatchery Expansion: Phases VI Subphase 2 $5,079,825
Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association Whitman Lake Rearing Capacity Increase: Phase III Adjustment $446,258

Marking, Tagging, and Evaluation Projects

In 2020, ADF&G received $4.7 million from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for hatchery salmon marking, tagging, and evaluation. As of 2023, less than $700,000 of those funds remained unobligated. Four proposals were received for salmon marking, tagging, and evaluation projects totaling $1.2 million. The Stakeholder Panel met with the proposal teams of the projects for funding to revise proposal budgets and statements of work. The Panel recommended smaller, revised projects totaling $677,794. The following marking, tagging, and evaluation related projects were approved:

2023 Funding Allocation for Marking, Tagging, and Evaluation Projects
Recipient Project Name Amount
Armstong Keta, Inc. AKI Tagging Supplies $70,200
Douglas Island Pink and Chum, Inc. Marking and Tagging Supplies $50,000
Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association Keta Stock Development and Tagging $81,404
Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association Tagging Supplies $476,190