Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Alaska Sport Fishing Survey
The Sport Fish Division has conducted a mail survey to estimate sport fishing total harvest (fish kept) since 1977 and total
catch (fish kept plus fish released) since 1990. The estimates derived from this survey are available online through this
application for study years 1996 through 2023. For estimates prior to
1996, please refer to the historic publications.
Estimates and totals obtained through this application are according to present-day survey area
boundaries. Totals may differ (sometimes drastically) from those found in previously published reports due to area boundary changes
which have occurred in various study years. If you require data that is consistent with a particular time frame, please contact survey
staff for assistance. Information obtained from this query application must be cited as noted below to distinguish the source from the static, hard-copy SWHS reports:
“Alaska Sport Fishing Survey database [Internet]. 1996– . Anchorage, AK: Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish (cited March 24, 2025). Available from: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/sf/sportfishingsurvey/.”
Select a region from the map or use the links below to continue.

Statewide | Southeast Alaska | Southcentral Alaska | Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim |
Get estimates summaries for the entire State of Alaska. |
(A) Ketchikan (B) Prince of Wales Island (C) Kake, Petersburg, Wrangell, Stikine (D) Sitka (E) Juneau (F1) Skagway (F2) Haines (G) Glacier Bay (H) Yakutat |
(J) North Gulf Coast/Prince William Sound (K) Knik Arm (L) Anchorage (M) Susitna River drainage (N) West Cook Inlet drainages (PF) Kenai Peninsula freshwater (PS) Cook Inlet saltwater (PU) Kenai Peninsula Personal Use Dipnet (PX) Cook Inlet (Shellfish only) (Q) Kodiak (R) Alaska Peninsula/Aleutian Islands (S) Kvichak River drainage (T) Nushagak, Wood River and Togiak |
(I) Upper Copper River drainage (U) Tanana River drainage (V) Kuskokwim River/Kuskokwim Bay drainages (W) Seward Peninsula/Norton Sound (X) Northwest Alaska (Y) Yukon River drainage (Z) North Slope/Brooks Range |
Note: Prior to 1997, area (I) Upper Copper River drainage was considered part of Southcentral Alaska region.
Questions or comments about this application can be directed to nick.smith@alaska.gov