RM615 Permit Hunt Information
for Regulatory Year 2024

Hunt Details

Hunt Number: RM615
Regulatory Year: 2024
Hunt Type: Registration
Species: Moose
Legal Animal: One bull moose, excluding male calves.

Number of Permits

Residency Number of Permits
Nonresidents To be announced
Alaska residents Up to 99999 permits
Total Number of Permits Available Unlimited

GMU, Area

Unit 18 Kuskokwim Area

Season Dates*

09/01/2024 - 10/15/2024

*See Drawing or Subsistence Supplements for season details.

Residency Restrictions

Alaska residents only

Reporting Requirements

  • Successful Hunters
    • Report harvest within 5 days of kill and return harvest report card to Bethel ADF&G office.
    • Specimens Required: None
  • Unsuccessful Hunters
    Return harvest report card by Oct. 30
  • Internet Reporting
    You may report online at http://hunt.alaska.gov

Hunting Conditions

1) PERMIT AVAILABILITY: Permits will be issued August 1- Oct 15 online http://hunt.alaska.gov, or in Bethel and villages within the hunt area Aug. 1 - Aug. 26.

2) WHEN: Zone 1 (Kuskokwim and Gweek River): Sept. 1 - Sept. 8. Zone 1 will be open for 8 days and will not close by EO.
Zone 2 (Tributaries south of the Kuskokwim) Sept. 1 - Oct. 15. Zone 2 will be open for 45 days and will not close by EO.

3) WHERE: Zone 1; In Unit 18, all Kuskokwim River drainages north and west of a line beginning at the confluence of Whitefish Lake and Ophir Creek at the Unit 18 boundary and continuing southwest to the confluence of Tuluksak and Fog Rivers; then southerly to the lower Kisaralik River-Kasigluk River cutoff of the Kisaralik River, then southwesterly to the lower Kasigluk Kasigluk River-Kisaralik River cutoff; then southwesterly to the Akulikutak River were the snowmachine trail crosses the river from the east side of Three Step Mountain; then westerly to the confluence of Kwethluk River and Magic Creek; then southwesterly to the confluence of Eek River and Middle Fork Eek River; then southwesterly to end at 60° 4.983 N, 161° 37.14 W; and all drainages easterly of a line from the mouth of the Ishkowik River to the closest point of Dall Lake, then to the east bank of the Johnson River at its entrance into Nunavakanukakslak Lake at 60° 59.41 N, 162° 22.14 W, continuing upriver along a line ½ mile south and east of, and paralleling a line along the southerly bank of the Johnson River to the confluence of the east bank of Crooked Creek, then continuing upriver along the east bank of Crooked Creek to the outlet at Arhymot Lake, then following the south bank of Arhymot Lake easterly to the Unit 18 boundary.

Zone 2; In Unit 18, all Kuskokwim River drainages south and east of a line beginning at the confluence of Whitefish Lake and Ophir Creek at the Unit 18 boundary and continuing southwest to the confluence of Tuluksak and Fog Rivers, then southerly to the lower eastern Kisaralik River-Kasigluk River cutoff, then westerly to the western lower Kasigluk River-Kisaralik River cutoff, then southwesterly to the Akulikutak River were the snowmachine trail crosses the river from the east side of Three Step Mountain, then westerly to the confluence of Kwethluk River and Magic Creek, then southwesterly to the confluence of Eek River and Middle Fork Eek River, then southwesterly to end at 60° 4.983 N, 161° 37.14 W.

4) BAG LIMIT: One (1) bull, male calves are not legal in this hunt.


6) REQUIREMENTS: You may only kill one (1) moose per regulatory year. If you have killed a moose anywhere in Alaska during the current regulatory year, this permit is invalid.

7) REPORTING: Successful hunters must report their harvest within five (5) days of kill in person, by telephone (907) 543-2839 or (907) 543-1678 (leave a recorded message), online at http://hunt.alaska.gov. or leave your harvest report card in the drop box outside the Bethel ADF&G office.
Unsuccessful hunters and those who did not hunt must submit their hunt report by October 30th in person, by pre-paid mail or outside drop box in Bethel, or online at http://hunt.alaska.gov.
Successful hunters should indicate whether they harvested their moose in Zone 1 or Zone 2.

8) WHO QUALIFIES: State Managed Lands = Alaska Residents. Federal Lands = Federally qualified users. See Federal Subsistence Hunting Regulations.

9) PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO REPORT: If you fail to report you will not be eligible to receive any permits (Drawing, Tier II, Targeted, or Registration) during the next regulatory year. In addition, your name will be turned over to Alaska Wildlife Troopers for enforcement action.

10) SIGNATURE: You must sign your permit and comply with the permit hunt conditions and any additional restrictions found in the Alaska Hunting Regulations.
You must carry your signed permit while hunting or transporting moose within the registration permit area and you must show it to any person authorized to
enforce state or federal laws who requests to see it.

Hunt conditions and season dates can be changed by Emergency Order. Visit the Emergency Orders and Announcements page for more information.