RM445 Permit Hunt Information
for Regulatory Year 2024

Hunt Details

Hunt Number: RM445
Regulatory Year: 2024
Hunt Type: Registration
Species: Moose
Legal Animal: One (1) bull moose, by bow and arrow only

Number of Permits

Residency Number of Permits
Nonresidents Up to 99999 permits
Alaska residents Up to 99999 permits
Total Number of Permits Available Unlimited

Season Dates*

09/01/2024 - 10/20/2024

*See Drawing or Subsistence Supplements for season details.

Residency Restrictions

  • Hunt available to Nonresidents
  • Hunt available to Alaska residents

Reporting Requirements

  • Successful Hunters
    • Report in person or by phone (267-2185) to Anchorage or Palmer within 24 hours of kill.
    • Specimens Required: Lower front teeth 5-inch section.
  • Unsuccessful Hunters
    Report online, by mail, or in person to ADF&G within 15 days of season end.
  • Internet Reporting
    If you hunted unsuccessfully or did not hunt, you may report online at http://hunt.alaska.gov

Hunting Conditions

1) PERMIT: The RM445 permit shall be in the possession of the permittee while hunting or transporting moose and shall be exhibited to any person authorized to enforce state and federal laws who requests to see it. The permit is NONTRANSFERABLE.

2) WHEN: September 1 - October 20

3) WHERE: The drainages of Eklutna River and Eklutna Lake upstream from the Old Glenn Highway, excluding those drainages flowing into the East Fork of Eklutna River upstream from the bridge above the lake and Thunderbird Creek. The permittee is solely responsible for securing permission to trespass on private land.

4) BAG LIMIT: One (1) bull moose, by bow and arrow only. If you have killed a moose anywhere in Alaska during the current regulatory year, you are not eligible to participate in this hunt.

5) METHOD: Bow and arrow only. Bowhunter certification is required.

6) REPORTING: SUCCESSFUL hunters must report in person or by phone (267-2811) to Anchorage or Palmer within 24 hours of kill. Bring completed PERMIT REPORT and the required 5 inch section of the lower jaw with front teeth to the Palmer or Anchorage Fish and Game office during regular business hours within three (3) days of kill.

UNSUCCESSFUL hunters or permittees who DID NOT HUNT: Report online at http://hunt.alaska.gov, in person to ADFG in Anchorage or Palmer, or by mail to the Anchorage office, within 15 days of the close of the season.

7) PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO REPORT: If you fail to report, you will not be eligible for any drawing, Tier II,or registration (including Tier I Nelchina caribou) permits next regulatory year. In addition, your name will be turned over to the Alaska Wildlife Troopers for enforcement action.

Hunt conditions and season dates can be changed by Emergency Order. Visit the Emergency Orders and Announcements page for more information.