RG231 Permit Hunt Information
for Regulatory Year 2024

Hunt Details

Hunt Number: RG231
Regulatory Year: 2024
Hunt Type: Registration
Species: Mountain Goat
Legal Animal: One (1) mountain goat, preferably male. Taking of nannies with kids is prohibited. If you harvest a nanny, you will be prohibited from taking a goat in Unit 6 for 5 regulatory years.

Number of Permits

Residency Number of Permits
Nonresidents Up to 99999 permits
Alaska residents Up to 99999 permits
Total Number of Permits Available Unlimited

Season Dates*

10/01/2024 - 01/31/2025

*See Drawing or Subsistence Supplements for season details.

Residency Restrictions

  • Hunt available to Nonresidents
  • Hunt available to Alaska residents

Reporting Requirements

  • Successful Hunters
    • Report to the Cordova ADF&G office by phone 907-424-3215 or in person within 3 days of the kill.
    • Specimens Required: Horns for measurement and aging.
  • Unsuccessful Hunters
    Report must be received by 15 days after the close of the season by regulation or emergency order.
  • Internet Reporting
    If you hunted unsuccessfully or did not hunt, you may report online at http://hunt.alaska.gov

Hunting Conditions

Oct 1-Jan 31. Hunt areas will be closed by emergency order when quotas are reached.

That portion of Unit 6C east of Scott Glacier and the main channel of Scott River, north of the Copper River Highway, and west of Sheridan Glacier and the main channel of Glacier River.

One (1) goat for residents and nonresidents. The taking of nannies with kids is prohibited. Harvest of males is encouraged for conservation reasons. If you harvest a nanny, you will be prohibited from taking a goat in Unit 6 for 5 regulatory years. If you have killed a goat anywhere in Alaska during the current regulatory year, this permit is invalid.

**You may encounter collared mountain goats in this hunt area. The Department asks hunters to avoid harvesting collared animals if possible. If you harvest a collared goat you must turn the collar into the Cordova or Anchorage ADF&G office.**

Hunters must successfully complete the online goat quiz to obtain this permit.

Horns must be brought to the Cordova ADF&G office, attached to the skull plate for aging and sex identification.

ALL PERMITTEES must submit their report. a) SUCCESSFUL hunters (including UNRECOVERED GOATS) Report in office or by phone (907)424-3215 and bring their report and horns in person to the Cordova ADF&G office within 3 days of kill. Successful reporting must include all details on the hunt report card. Partial reports are invalid. b) UNSUCCESSFUL hunters or those who DID NOT HUNT must report to the Cordova ADF&G office by mail, in person, or online within 15 days of the close of the season whether by regulation or emergency order.

If you fail to report, you will not be eligible to receive any permits (drawing, Tier II, and registration) during the next regulatory year. In addition, your name will be turned over to Alaska Wildlife Troopers for enforcement action.

You must sign you permit and comply with the permit hunt conditions and any additional restrictions found in the Alaska Hunting Regulations. You must carry your signed permit while hunting or transporting goat within the registration permit area and you must show it to any person authorized to enforce state or federal laws who requests to see it.

Hunt conditions and season dates can be changed by Emergency Order. Visit the Emergency Orders and Announcements page for more information.