RM435 Permit Hunt Information
for Regulatory Year 2024

Hunt Details

Hunt Number: RM435
Regulatory Year: 2024
Hunt Type: Registration
Species: Moose
Legal Animal: One (1) bull moose

Number of Permits

Residency Number of Permits
Nonresidents Up to 100 permits
Alaska residents Up to 100 permits
Total Number of Permits Available 100 permits

GMU, Area

14C, Ship Creek Drainage above JBER Management Area

Season Dates*

10/25/2024 - 11/30/2024

*See Drawing or Subsistence Supplements for season details.

Residency Restrictions

  • Hunt available to Nonresidents
  • Hunt available to Alaska residents

Reporting Requirements

  • Successful Hunters
    • Report in person to Anchorage or Palmer within 3 days of kill.
    • Specimens Required: Lower front teeth 5-inch section.
  • Unsuccessful Hunters
    Report online, by mail, or in person to ADF&G within 15 days of season end
  • Internet Reporting
    If you hunted unsuccessfully or did not hunt, you may report online at http://hunt.alaska.gov

Hunting Conditions

1) PERMIT: The RM435 permit shall be in the possession of the permittee while hunting or transporting moose and shall be exhibited to any person authorized to enforce state and federal laws who requests to see it. The permit is NONTRANSFERABLE.

2) WHEN: October 25 through November 30. The hunt will be closed by emergency order when the harvest quota is met.

3) WHERE: Upper Ship Creek drainage excluding the Tokle Creek drainage. This is the same hunt area drawing moose hunts DM446 and DM447.

4) BAG LIMIT: Any bull moose. If you have killed a moose anywhere in Alaska during the current regulatory year, you are not eligible to participate in this hunt.

5) ACCESS: Access is limited.

Ship Creek Trail, near the end of Arctic Valley Road: Trail crosses JBER for approximately three miles (mostly downhill). A recreational access permit from JBER is required. The hunt area does NOT include JBER management area or the Tokle Creek drainage. Tokle Creek is the stream draining the Arctic Valley ski area. If you use the Ship Creek Trail, you will need to cross the creek and proceed to the high point between Tokle Creek and the next creek to the east. Between the trailhead and the hunt boundary, the Ship Creek Trail is marked by posts and signs. The JBER/Chugach State Park boundary is also marked by a post and signs about .5 miles after you cross the lower end of Tokle Creek.

Chugach State Park parking area, near the end of Hiland Road: Start walking on the boardwalk and watch for passes that lead from the south Fork of Eagle River drainage into the Ship Creek drainage. You may not shoot a moose on the south Fork of Eagle River side of the pass.

Indian Creek or Bird Creek valleys: Routes are a little longer than those above, but hunting pressure is often less in the upper reaches of Ship Creek. You must be in the Ship Creek hunt area before you can shoot a bull.

6) OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Many hunters will participate in this hunt, particularly during the first few weeks. Hunters should be careful to observe all safety precautions, such as making sure there is an adequate backdrop before firing. Wearing hunter orange is recommended if many hunters are present.

Many brown bears use the upper Ship Creek drainage. You may not shoot a brown bear if it takes your moose or any part of your moose. Be prepared to find a bear on your kill if you make several trips to retrieve the meat. It''s a good idea to move the meat in game bags and the antlers at least a couple hundred feet from the gut pile and hide. Place the game bags in an open area if possible so you have good visibility when you return. Make plenty of noise when approaching a meat cache. If you do shoot a bear in defense of life or property (other than your moose), you must report it immediately to the State Troopers and ADFG. You will be required to bring the hide, with all claws attached, and skull in to an ADFG office.

7) REPORTING- SUCCESSFUL hunters: Bring completed PERMIT REPORT and the required 5 inch section of the lower jaw with front teeth to the Palmer or Anchorage Fish and Game office during regular business hours within three (3) days of the kill.

UNSUCCESSFUL hunters or permittees who DID NOT HUNT: Report online at http://hunt.alaska.gov, in person at ADFG in Anchorage or Palmer, or by mail within 15 days of the close of the season.

Hunt conditions and season dates can be changed by Emergency Order. Visit the Emergency Orders and Announcements page for more information.