RC867 Permit Hunt Information
for Regulatory Year 2024

Hunt Details

Hunt Number: RC867
Regulatory Year: 2024
Hunt Type: Registration
Species: Caribou
Legal Animal: Residents: One caribou NonResidents: No Open Season Federally Qualified: One bull

Number of Permits

Residency Number of Permits
Nonresidents To be announced
Alaska residents Up to 99999 permits
Total Number of Permits Available Unlimited

GMU, Area

20B, 20D, 20E, 20F, or 25C

Season Dates*

10/27/2024 - 03/31/2025

*See Drawing or Subsistence Supplements for season details.

Residency Restrictions

Alaska residents only

Reporting Requirements

  • Successful Hunters
    • Report within 3 days of the kill by reporting a) online (hunt.alaska.gov) or b) by providing your name, hunt number, permit number, sex of animal, date of kill, and zone by phone (907-883-2971) AND returning completed permit report card in person or by mail to Tok ADF&G.
    • Specimens Required: None
  • Unsuccessful Hunters
    Report within 15 days of the close of the season. Report online (hunt.alaska.gov) or return completed permit report card in person or by mail to Tok ADF&G.
  • Internet Reporting
    You may report online at http://hunt.alaska.gov

Hunting Conditions

1) WHEN: Resident State Hunters: All Zones Oct. 27 - Mar. 31. Unless season is closed by Emergency Order.

Federal Subsistence Hunters: All Zones Oct. 27 - Mar. 31 on federal lands only. Unless season is closed by Emergency Order.

2) WHERE: Detailed zone descriptions and zone map available at http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=caribouhunting.40mile or ADF&G offices in Fairbanks, Tok, Delta Junction, Douglas, Anchorage and Palmer.

Caribou hunting is restricted within 100 feet of either side of the road, including the drivable surface of the road, in the portion of Units 20B and 25C between mileposts 84 and 87 (Twelvemile Summit) and mileposts 103 and 111 (Eagle Summit) of the Steese Highway. Additional restrictions may be present in Unit 20E along the Taylor Highway and the Top of the World Highway. Please call the ADF&G in Tok at (907) 883-2971 for more information.

3) BAG LIMIT: AK Resident Hunters: One (1) caribou. Federally Qualified Subsistence Hunters: One (1) bull


5) REPORTING: Successful hunters: Report within 3 days of the kill by a) reporting online (http://hunt.alaska.gov) or b) providing your name, hunt number, permit number, sex of animal, date of kill, and zone by phone (907-883-2971) AND returning completed permit report card in person or by mail (postage required) to Tok ADF&G. Unsuccessful hunters and those who did not hunt: Report within 15 days of the close of the season. Complete permit hunt report online (http://hunt.alaska.gov) or return completed permit report card in person or by mail to Tok ADF&G.

6) REMEMBER: Hunts may be closed by emergency order to prevent overharvest, so it is important for wildlife managers to have current information. Successful hunters must report within three days of the kill, even if they are still in the field. Hunters may need a satellite phone or other remote communications device to meet the reporting requirements if they intend on remaining in the field beyond the 3-day reporting period. If the state season closes before the federal season, then only federally eligible subsistence hunters may continue to participate in this hunt, only on federal lands.

7) WHO QUALIFIES: Alaska Residents ONLY.

8) PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO REPORT: If you fail to report, you will not be eligible to receive any permits (Drawing, Tier, and Registration, including Tier I Nelchina Caribou) during the next regulatory year. In addition, your name will be turned over to the Alaska Wildlife Troopers for enforcement action.

9) HUNT STATUS INFO: BEFORE HUNTING CALL Fortymile Hotline: 907-267-2310, Tok ADF&G: 907- 883-2971.

10) PROXY HUNTING PROHIBITED: Proxy hunting is prohibited in RC867.

Hunt conditions and season dates can be changed by Emergency Order. Visit the Emergency Orders and Announcements page for more information.