CM300 Permit Hunt Information
for Regulatory Year 2024

Hunt Details

Hunt Number: CM300
Regulatory Year: 2024
Hunt Type: Community Subsistence Harvest
Species: Moose
Legal Animal: One bull moose with CSH locking tag, otherwise general season antler restrictions apply.

Number of Permits

Residency Number of Permits
Nonresidents To be announced
Alaska residents Up to 99999 permits
Total Number of Permits Available Unlimited

GMU, Area

Unit 11, Unit 13, and a portion of Unit 12.

Season Dates*

08/20/2024 - 09/20/2024

*See Drawing or Subsistence Supplements for season details.

Residency Restrictions

Alaska residents only

Reporting Requirements

  • Successful Hunters
    • Report within 24 hours of kill (907-822-3461).
    • Specimens Required: None
  • Unsuccessful Hunters
    Report within 15 days of season end.
  • Internet Reporting
    You may report online at

Additional Requirements and Information

  • The CSH moose permit hunt area includes all of Unit 11, Unit 13, and a portion of Unit 12 (southwest of the Tok River where it crosses the Glenn Highway/Tok Cut-Off).
    In addition to the email that you have received, Community Subsistence Hunt household reports can also be obtained from your Community Group Coordinator or can be found on Alaska Department of Fish and Game's website @

    Additional hunt maps with area quotas for the any bull harvest can be found on the Alaska Department of Fish & Game's website
  • See the Cultural and Subsistence Harvest Permits page for additional information.

Hunt conditions and season dates can be changed by Emergency Order. Visit the Emergency Orders and Announcements page for more information.