Sport Fishing Publications
Interior Alaska

Sport Fish Division, Interior region, publishes a variety of informational guides describing the many fisheries and angling opportunities in Interior Alaska. These guides are excellent introductions to sport fishing in Interior Alaska. They cover run timing, access sites, suggested tackle, lifecycle, and regulations. Many include basic maps. This page is updated as new information is added to the handouts and as new handouts are developed, so check back to see what's new.

Interior Region Overviews

Tanana River Drainage (Fairbanks to Tok)

Upper Copper/Upper Susitna Drainage (Glennallen)

Northwestern Area (Nome)

North Slope Area

Yukon River Drainage

  • The term "tri-fold", "4-fold" or "large format" in parenthesis after a publication indicates that it is formatted to be a double sided handout folded in three or four sections, or printed on 8½ x 14 paper.