Identifying Cow Caribou


Without seeing the caribou urinate, the absence of a penis sheath is the most reliable way to identify a cow caribou when broadside. In winter, long hair on cows can resemble a penis sheath. Udders on a cow can also be confused with testicles from behind and / or a penis sheath when viewed from the side. If the animal is angled away, look for the dark vulva and the shape of the rump patch.

Cow caribou has vulva patch, is peeing backward
A cow (left) and calf (right). Note the absence of a penis sheath.
A cow. Again, note the absence of a penis sheath.


Cow caribou usually have wide, rectangular rump patches. Look for a dark spot (vulva) below the tail. Note that not all caribou have dark vulvas.

Cow caribou has visible vulva, wide, rectangular white rump patch
Left: unable to discern. Wait for a better look. Right: a cow. Note the vulva (though it is not dark) and wider rump patch.
A cow. Note the dark vulva and wide rump patch.