Alaska Fish & Wildlife News
February 2025
The 2025 Conservation Stamp

The 2025 Conservation Stamp is now available on the ADF&G online store! The Conservation Stamp has been running since 2017 and features species of conservation concern in Alaska, with the $20 stamp helping to support fish and wildlife research, monitoring, and education of Alaska’s wildlife.
ADF&G’s biologists work to understand and conserve a broad array of Alaska’s species and their habitats, from little brown bats to beluga whales and Golden Eagles. Additionally, our outreach specialists work to make outdoor skills and conservation education resources available to all Alaskans.
This year’s Conservation Stamp depicts a Beluga whale by Threatened, Endangered, and Diversity Program member Arin Underwood. Belugas are small, toothed whales found along Alaska’s coasts and northern oceans. They are known for their bulbous foreheads called “melons” that help them project sound, leading to efficient echolocation and an impressive vocal range. Belugas have a gray skin tone at birth that turns white as they age to better camouflage amongst ice floes. The Cook Inlet beluga is a year-round resident and is listed as Endangered under the Federal Endangered Species Act.
This year’s beluga stamp is a 3.5x4” sticker that can go on water bottles, laptops, car windows, and more! Funds from the purchase of this year’s Conservation Stamp will help conserve Alaska’s most cherished wildlife.
Follow the Threatened, Endangered, and Diversity Program on Facebook and Instagram (@adfg_tedprogram) for updates on Alaska’s species of conservation concern.
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