Walrus Tracking Maps Archive

07/195/2013 – 07/205/2013

Requested Walrus Tracking Map
Over the last ten days we received transmissions from 25 walruses (3 male and 22 female). Two of the 3 males (red dashed lines) are still north of the coast of Russia; the third male is off shore, between Wainwright and Barrow. This week we have differentiated females with calves (11 pink lines) from females without calves (11 blue lines). Fourteen of the females are located near Hanna Shoal in the Chukchi Sea. We also included the boundary of Lease Area 193. The updated map is attached. Cloudy skies obstructed recent MODIS images. Therefore, we show sea ice data courtesy of the U.S. National Ice Center, dated 23 July (http://www.natice.noaa.gov/index.html).

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