Division of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) Publication Details

Wildlife Diversity Program planning and coordination management: Grant performance reports for projects involving Wildlife Diversity Program planning and coordination management

  • Reference: Wildlife Diversity Program planning and coordination management: Grant performance reports for projects involving Wildlife Diversity Program planning and coordination management: Grant performance reports for projects involving planning program coordination management. Combined progress reports completed during 2003-2009 for the following projects: T-1-6-1: Partnerships for conservation of nongame species. T-1-6-3: Develop nongame species database for comprehensive wildlife conservation strategy. T-1-6-11: Important bird areas of Alaska. T-1-6-16: Developing an international all-bird conservation plan for the northwestern interior forest bird conservation region. T-1-8-1: Conserving Alaska's biodiversity. T-1-16-7: E-Bird Alaska geospatial database development and promotion. T-3-1-1: Conserving Alaska's biodiversity: Program planning, development and coordination. T-3-1-10.10: Alaska citizen science program. T-4-1-1: Ranking nongame species and conservation priorities - Phase II. T-12-1-1: State Endangered Species Act team: Coordination, management and planning. U-1-1-1: Statewide comprehensive wildlife conservation plan.
  • Audiences: Wildlife Manager
  • Authors: Richard Capitan, Ellen Fritts, Tracey Gotthardt, Karla Hart, Douglas N. Larsen, Thomas W. Paul, Mary L. Rabe, Stanley E. Senner, Susan Sharbaugh, Michelle Sydeman, David F. Tessler, Taldi Walter, Sadie K. Wright
  • Funding Sources: FWS-SWG
  • Grants: T-1-16-4, T-1-8-1, T-3-2.10, T-3-6.10, T-3-1-1
  • GMUs or Areas: Minto Flats State Game Refuge
  • Keywords: wildlife plan, conservation, nongame species, biodiversity, Alaska
  • Link: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/home/library/pdfs/wildlife/federal_aid/planning_program_coordination_mgt.pdf (PDF)
  • Partners: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • Primary Authors: Ellen Fritts
  • Programs: Threatened, Endangered, and Diversity Program (TED), Wildlife Research
  • Project Numbers: T-1-16-7, T-12-1, T-1-6-1, T-1-6-11, T-1-6-16, T-1-6-3, T-1-8-1, T-3-1-1, T-3-1-10.10, T-4-1 (1), U-1-1-1
  • Publication Types: Grant Report
  • Regions: Statewide
  • Species: Alaska Hare, Alaska Marmot, American Dipper, Arctic Warbler, Bald Eagle, Big Brown Bat, Black Oystercatcher, Boreal Owl, California Bat, Collared Pika, Common Raven, Dall Sheep, Eskimo Curlew, Fox Sparrow, Golden Eagle, Gray Jay, Great Gray Owl, Great Horned Owl, Keen's Myotis, Kittlitz's Murrelet, Little Brown Bat, Long-Legged Bat, Marbled Murrelet, North Pacific Right Whale, Northern Hawk Owl, Osprey, Rock Ptarmigan, Rock Sandpiper, Semipalmated Plover, Silver-Haired Bat, Snowshoe Hare, Song Sparrow, Trumpeter Swan, White-Crowned Sparrow, Wood Frog, Orange-Crowned Warbler, Savannah Sparrow, Northern Spotted Owl, Northern Wheateater, Alder Flycatcher, Golden Crowned Sparrow, American Pippet, Snow Bunting, Lapland Longspur, Northern Red-Backed Vole, Northern Bog Lemming, Meadow Jumping Mouse, Pygmy Shrew, Dusky Shrew, Tundra Shrew
  • Species Categories: Amphibians, Bats, Big Game, Birds, Endangered or Threatened Species (Federal), Furbearers, Landbirds, Mammals, Marine Mammals, Seabirds, Shorebirds, Small Game, Songbirds, Waterfowl
  • Title: Wildlife Diversity Program planning and coordination management: Grant performance reports for projects involving Wildlife Diversity Program planning and coordination management
  • Topics: Endangered or Threatened Species (Federal), Wildlife Management, Research, Citizen Science, Special Areas, Conservation
  • Year: 2009

See more: Wildlife Publications