Division of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) Publication Details

The occurrence of historical polar bear maternal denning on a man-made feature, North Slope, Alaska

  • Reference: Perham, C. J., and R. T. Shideler. 2016. The occurrence of historical polar bear maternal denning on a man-made feature, North Slope, Alaska. Poster presented at the 24th International Conference on Bear Research and Management, 12–16 June 2016, Anchorage, Alaska. Division of Wildlife Conservation, Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
  • Audiences: Scientist
  • Authors: Craig J. Perham, Richard T. Shideler
  • Funding Sources:
  • Grants:
  • GMUs or Areas:
  • Keywords: scent-trained dogs, staging pad, Milne Point, den site, sea ice, anthropogenic disturbance, Southern Beaufort Sea
  • Link: https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/home/library/pdfs/wildlife/research_pdfs/perham_shideler_2016_occurrence_historical_polar_bear_maternal_denning.pdf (PDF)
  • Partners:
  • Primary Authors: Craig J. Perham
  • Programs: Marine Mammals
  • Project Numbers:
  • Publication Types: Abstract/Poster/Presentation (Scientific)
  • Regions: Statewide
  • Species: Polar Bear
  • Species Categories: Endangered or Threatened Species (Federal), Mammals, Marine Mammals
  • Title: The occurrence of historical polar bear maternal denning on a man-made feature, North Slope, Alaska
  • Topics: Research
  • Year: 2016

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