Intensive Management in Alaska

Managing Predators and Prey in Alaska

Predator control and intensive management are controversial and complex subjects. People have asked many of the same questions for years: Why don’t Alaskans just buy meat in grocery stores like the rest of America? Does predator control even work to increase ungulate populations? Don’t wolves just eat mice, and sick and old ungulates? Is predator control hunting?

To address these and other recurring themes, the department has produced five video segments, each about six minutes long. Together, they form a complete program. Managing Predators and Prey in Alaska was completed in the summer of 2012.

Chapter 1: How Alaskans Value Wildlife

This segment provides an overview of the issue and a look at different viewpoints. It highlights the lifestyle of people in the Interior Alaska village of McGrath, and the importance of wildlife and hunting to them.

Chapter 2: Why Manage Wildlife?

This segment explores why ADF&G manages Alaska's wildlife and the variety of interests in Alaska's wildlife.

Chapter 3: Is Predator Control Hunting?

This segment highlights the differences between predator control and hunting.

Chapter 4: Success Stories

This segment looks at the effectiveness of intensive management in several parts of Alaska—near Fairbanks, around McGrath, and on the Alaska Peninsula.

Chapter 5: Long term Goals of Managing for Abundance

This segment discusses wildlife management in different parts of Alaska; and compares Alaska practices to Norway, both areas where moose harvest is important to residents. Alaskans and non-residents have a variety of interests regarding wildlife and this segment also looks at how those interests are addressed. Video production credits appear at the end of this segment.