Kodiak Herring Hydroacoustics Project

In 2002, ADF&G Kodiak began a collaborative project with Prince William Sound Science Center (PWSSC) to use hydroacoustics to assess the biomass of overwintering herring in Uganik Bay on Kodiak Island. As a result of this collaboration, Kodiak office research staff acquired the training and hydroacoustic equipment to conduct herring biomass assessment surveys. Annually, since that time and via collaboration with numerous agencies (PWSSC, University of Alaska, NMFS, and the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge) and funding sources (CIFAR, NMFS, NPRB), the department has conducted winter and spring surveys to assess herring biomass around the KMA. Hydroacoustic surveys represent a highly accurate and efficient method for direct assessment of Pacific herring abundance. Information collected is invaluable for the management of the fishery and used by management establishing annual GHLs for individual sections and districts.

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Biomass estimates from hydroacoustic surveys in Uganik Bay, February and April 2007.

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Echogram of herring biomass in Northeast Arm, Uganik Bay, February 2007

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Daytime echogram of herring biomass in South Arm, Uganik Bay, April 2007

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Nighttime echogram of herring biomass in South Arm, Uganik Bay, April 2007