Survey Dates: 07/14/2009 — 09/22/2009
Fish Passage Project MSB09

Mat-Su Borough 2009
Multi-year culvert assessment project in the Mat-Su Borough.

Project Supervisor: Gillian O'Doherty
Affiliation: ADFG — Research and Restoration

Project Participants

NameAffiliationProject Role
Heidi ZimmerADF&G
Ben HistandADF&G

Survey Sites (90)

Survey Site Rating Road Name Stream Name Date
ELK01 20501183 Green Driveway Little Susitna River tributary 07/14/2009
ELK02 20501184 Green Private road on Elk Ranch   07/14/2009
RYL01 20501223 Red Royal Lane O'Brien Creek 07/15/2009
RBC01 20501222 Red Rubacaba Road O'Brien Creek 07/16/2009
LEW01 20501193 Red Lewis Loop Fish Creek Tributary 07/16/2009
OGD01 20501203 Green O'Grady Drive O'Brien Creek 07/16/2009
LAN01 20501192 Red Bryant Road Connects two Lakes 07/20/2009
BRY01 20501172 Red Bryant Road Goose Creek 07/20/2009
CAM01 20501173 Red Cameo Road Goose Creek 07/20/2009
PFR01 20501206 Red Palmer Fishhook Road Little Susitna River tributary 07/21/2009
PFR02 20501207 Red Palmer Fishhook Road Little Susitna River tributary 07/21/2009
ARM01 20501157 Green West Armstrong Road Little Susitna River tributary 07/27/2009
ZLR01 20501258 Red Zero Lakes Road Lake Creek tributary 07/27/2009
CRK01 20501181 Red Creekside Road Willow Creek Tributary 07/28/2009
KNB01 20501190 Red Kenny Boulevard Willow Creek tributary 07/28/2009
WFR01 20501239 Red Willow Fishhook Road Willow Creek tributary 07/28/2009
WFR02 20501240 Red Willow Fishhook Road Willow Creek tributary 07/29/2009
WFR03 20501241 Red Willow Fishhook Road Willow Creek tributary 07/29/2009
WFR04 20501242 Green Willow Fishhook Road Willow Creek tributary 07/29/2009
WFR05 20501243 Green Willow Fishhook Road Willow Creek tributary 07/29/2009
WFR06 20501244 Red Willow Fishhook Road Willow Creek tributary 07/29/2009
KME01 20501189 Green Kime Lane Outlet of Kime Pond 07/30/2009
MAC01 20501197 Red Mack Road Wetland connector 07/30/2009
CRL01 20501182 Red Crystal Lake Road Rainbow Lake to Long Lake connection 07/30/2009
WCP01 20501238 Red Willow Creek Parkway Shirley Lake outlet 07/30/2009
COL02 20501041 Green Coles Road Unnamed 08/03/2009
COL01 20501042 Green Coles Road Little Susitna River tributary 08/03/2009
CRB01 20401349 Green Crabb Circle Spring Creek 08/04/2009
PFR09 20501214 Red Palmer Fishhook Road Fishhook Creek tributary 08/05/2009
PFR10 20501215 Red Old Palmer Fishhook Road Fishhook Creek tributary 08/05/2009
NEL01 20401202 Green Nelson Road Spring Creek 08/06/2009
PFR13 20501218 Red Palmer Fishhook Road Fishhook Creek 08/10/2009
SUR01 20401291 Green Surrey Road Cottonwood Slough 08/11/2009
SUR02 20401230 Green Surrey Road Cottonwood Creek tributary 08/11/2009
SUR03 20401231 Green Surrey Road Cottonwood Creek Trib 08/11/2009
SET01 20401267 Green Settlement Road Cottonwood Creek 08/12/2009
LOW02 20401354 Gray Lower Road Wasilla Creek tributary 08/12/2009
LOW01 20401355 Gray Lower Road Wasilla Creek tributary 08/12/2009
STF01 20401297 Green South Starflower Drive Lucy Creek tributary 08/13/2009
LUP01 20401298 Green Lupine Lane Lucy Creek tributary 08/13/2009
KAR01 20501188 Red Karsten Drive Meadow Creek tributary 08/19/2009
PBP01 20501204 Green Bike Path Wetlands drainage 08/19/2009
VWA01 20501237 Green Vienna Woods Access Wetland connector 08/19/2009
SUZ01 20501233 Red Suzanna Street Unnamed pond outlet 08/19/2009
PMR01 20501219 Green Point MacKenzie Road Unnamed lake outlet 08/20/2009
SBD01 20501224 Green Settler Bay Drive Crocker Creek 08/20/2009
MAU01 20401198 Gray Maud Road McRoberts Creek 08/24/2009
CLA01 20401176 Red Clare Way Knik River tributary 08/24/2009
ARR01 20501158 Green Alaska Railroad Wetland 08/25/2009
ARR02 20501159 Red Alaska Railroad Unnamed 08/25/2009
ARR03 20501160 Red Alaska Railroad Wetland connector 08/25/2009
PRK01 20501220 Green Parks Highway Wetland drainage 08/25/2009
ARR05 20501162 Gray Alaska Railroad Unnamed 08/27/2009
ARR04 20501081 Red Alaska Railroad Meadow Creek tributary 08/27/2009
ARR06 20501152 Red Alaska Railroad 08/27/2009
ARR07 20501164 Black Alaska Railroad   08/28/2009
ARR08 20501165 Red Alaska Railroad Lake Creek tributary 08/28/2009
ARR09 20501166 Red Alaska Railroad Unnamed 08/28/2009
SIT01 20501046 Green N Sitze Road Moon Princess Creek 08/31/2009
SCH01 20501039 Green Schwald Road Government Creek 08/31/2009
SUS01 20501232 Red Sushana Road Coal Creek 08/31/2009
USR01 20401234 Red Farmettes Circle Knik River tributary 09/01/2009
KRR01 20401191 Red Knik River Road Friday Creek tributary 09/01/2009
BMR01 20401169 Red Buffalo Mine Road Moose Creek tributary 09/02/2009
BMR02 20401170 Gray Buffalo Mine Road Moose Creek tributary 09/02/2009
USR02 20401235 Red Buffalo Mine Road side road Moose Creek tributary 09/02/2009
BMR03 20401171 Red Buffalo Mine Road Premier Creek 09/03/2009
MUR01 20401344 Green Murphy Road Wasilla Creek tributary 09/03/2009
ATV01 20401347 Green ATV Trail Wasilla Creek tributary 09/03/2009
WFR07 20501245 Red Willow Fishhook Road Willow Creek tributary 09/08/2009
WFR08 20501246 Red Willow Fishhook Road- side roa Willow Creek tributary 09/08/2009
WFR09 20501247 Red Willow Fishhook Road Willow Creek tributary 09/08/2009
WFR10 20501248 Red Willow Fishhook Road Willow Creek tributary 09/08/2009
WFR11 20501249 Red Willow Fishhook Road Willow Creek tributary 09/09/2009
WFR12 20501250 Red Willow Fishhook Road Francie Creek 09/09/2009
WFR13 20501251 Red Willow Fishhook Road Shorty Creek 09/09/2009
WFR14 20501252 Red Willow Fishhook Road Willow Creek tributary 09/09/2009
WFR16 20501254 Red Willow Fishhook Road Willow Creek tributary 09/09/2009
WFR17 20501255 Red Willow Fishhook Road Willow Creek tributary 09/10/2009
WFR18 20501256 Red Willow Fishhook Road Craigie Creek 09/10/2009
WFR19 20501257 Red Willow Fishhook Road Upper Willow Creek 09/10/2009
UWR01 20501236 Red Upper Willow Road Upper Willow Creek 09/10/2009
PBP02 20501205 Green Bike Path Unnamed 09/17/2009
FALK01 20401348 Green Falk Road Wasilla Creek 09/17/2009
MLL01 20501444 Green Meadow Lakes Loop Road Unnamed 09/17/2009
MUR02 20401343 Green Murphy Road Wasilla Creek tributary 09/21/2009
GCR01 20501187 Red Goldchord Road Fishhook Creek 09/21/2009
FVL01 20401300 Green Fairview Loop Road Cottonwood Creek 09/22/2009
CAR01 20401295 Gray Cardiff Road Lucy Creek tributary 09/22/2009
CAR02 20401296 Green Cardiff Road Lucy Creek tributary 09/22/2009

Contact Information

Gillian O'Doherty
Research and Restoration

Questions or comments about this report can be directed to