Fish Passage Site 30103682
Coordinates (dec. deg.): 51.87740°, -176.66245°
Legal Description: S096S195W10
Region: Southwest
Road Name: Hillside Boulevard
Datum: NAD83
Quad Name / ITM: Adak C-2
AWC Stream #:
Stream Name: Unnamed
Site Comments: Tribuatry to Airport Creek.
Survey ADAK17-C95
Observers: Mark Eisenman, Jeanette Alas
Overall Fish Passage Rating:
Step Pools:
Construction Year:
Site Observations:
- Outfall height red
Comments: This information was gathered as part of the joint reconnaissance level project between the ADF&G Habitat Division and the Fish Passage Assessment Project on Adak Island. Due to time constraints full site assessments were not conducted, but base line information was collected. Coho caught electrofishing downstream on airport property in ditch along runway 5.
Culvert Measurements
ID: 1 | Structure Type: Circular pipe (Corrugated steel) | Fish Passage Rating: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Comments: Culvert length estimated using aerial imagery. Culvert outfall measured with hand tape. Culvert shows signs of deterioration. |
Culvert Observations:
Stream Measurements
No stream width data available.
No elevation data available.
Fish Sampling Efforts
No fish sampling occurred during this survey.
Fish Observations
No fish observations occurred during this survey.
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