Fish Passage Site 30103640

Coordinates (dec. deg.): 51.82804°, -176.63483°
Legal Description: S096S195W26
Region: Southwest
Road Name: Finger Bay Road

Datum: NAD83
Quad Name / ITM: Adak C-2
AWC Stream #:
Stream Name: Unnamed


Site Comments: Tributary to Finger Creek

Survey Date: Sep 15, 2017

Survey ADAK17-C159

Observers: Mark Eisenman, Jeanette Alas

Overall Fish Passage Rating: Black

Tidal: No
Backwatered: No

Step Pools: No
Construction Year:

Comments: This information was gathered as part of the joint reconnaissance level project between the ADF&G Habitat Division and the Fish Passage Assessment Project on Adak Island. Due to time constraints full site assessments were not conducted, but base line information was collected. No culvert at site, site is a low water crossing/ford. Creek empites out into Finger Creek directly below crossing. Adult pinks observered upstream from crossing and site was trapped and juvenile coho captured. Creek has been nominated to AWC.

Culvert Measurements

ID: 1 Structure Type: Other Fish Passage Rating: Black
Inlet Type:
Outlet Type:
Corrugation Depth(in.):
Corrugation Width(in.):
Condition Rating(1-5):
Approach Angle:
Sedimentation At Inlet:
Inlet Substrate:
Outlet Substrate:
Apron Length(ft):
Water Depth(ft):
Rustline Height(ft):
Substrate Depth(ft):
Baffles Present:
Outfall Height:
Outfall Type:
Constriction Ratio:
Culvert Gradient:
Max Slope:
Max Slope Length:

Stream Measurements

Stream SubstratesUpstreamDownstream
Stream Slope(deg.):
Stream Flow Stage:Medium

No stream width data available.


No elevation data available.

Fish Sampling Efforts

Gear Type: Minnow Trap (A) Trap Duration(h): 17.0
Comments: Trap set upstream near where creek emerges.
Gear Type: Visual Observation, Ground (B)

Fish Observations

Species: juvenile coho salmon Life History: Anadromous
Total Fish Observed: 9 Fish Measured: 9 Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 55 Max: 83 Mean: 65
Collected/Observed by Gear Type: Upstream Minnow Trap (9)  
Species: juvenile/adult Dolly Varden Life History: Unknown
Total Fish Observed: 6 Fish Measured: 6 Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 72 Max: 105 Mean: 90
Collected/Observed by Gear Type: Upstream Minnow Trap (6)  
Species: adult spawning pink salmon Life History: Anadromous
Total Fish Observed: 20 Fish Measured: Fork Lengths (mm) Min: Max: Mean:
Collected/Observed by Gear Type: Upstream Visual Observation, Ground (20)  
Comments: Pinks observed upstream to where stream emerges and was trapped. Carcasses at mouth of creek at confluence with Finger Creek.

Questions or comments about this report can be directed to