Fish Passage Site 20300904
Coordinates (dec. deg.): 60.06466°, -151.42573°
Legal Description: S001S013W25
Region: South Central
Road Name: Oil Well Road
Datum: NAD83
Quad Name / ITM: Kenai A-4
AWC Stream #:
Stream Name:
Site Comments: Location: Oilwell Rd. to Tract 3. Stream: Streamsides are bermed on the road to deter crossing. Upstream of the road the channel is about 2-3x wider than the normal channel. Flow measurements taken in the middle of the road in the former culvert location . Culvert: Washout with old pipe gone and new gravel present.
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Survey KPC04-1A059
Observers: Mary King, Pam Russell
Overall Fish Passage Rating:
Tidal: No
Backwatered: No
Step Pools:
Construction Year:
Comments: None
Culvert Measurements
No measurement data available.
Stream Measurements
No stream width data available.
No elevation data available.
Fish Sampling Efforts
No fish sampling occurred during this survey.
Fish Observations
No fish observations occurred during this survey.
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