Fish Inventory Site FSNPR1614A01

Coordinates (dec. deg.): 70.17206°, -152.84527°
Legal Description: U010N004W35
Region: Arctic

Datum: WGS84
Quad Name / ITM: Harrison Bay A-5
AWC Stream #: 330-00-10840-2190
Stream Name: Inigok Creek


Site Comments: WP0287-0312

Survey Date: Aug 15, 2016

Survey FSNPR16-14A01

Observers: Joe Giefer, Mark Eisenman

Station Characteristics

Water Temperature: 9.78° C DO: 10.82 ppm Conductivity: 94.0 μS/cm Stream Stage: Low
Water Color: Clear Turbidity: 0.99 NTU / pH: 9.24 Stream Gradient: 1.0%
Qualitative Velocity: Slow 48 hr. Precipitation/Runoff: None/Trace
Substrates: Sand, Gravel, Silt/Clay
Channel Dimensions:
  (OHW) (Wetted)
Stream Width: 21.6 m
Thalweg Depth: 0.5 m
Rosgen Channel Classification:
Visit Comments: Team C visual observed Pink & Chum salmon here 2 days eariler but could not access them to sample (deep pool off high bluff). Located 2x Chum carcass near landing zone just upstream of WP0287.

Vegetation Classification

Left Bank Right Bank
0-5 Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub
5-10 Tussock Tundra Tussock Tundra
10-20 Tussock Tundra Tussock Tundra
20-30 Tussock Tundra Tussock Tundra

Fish Sampling Effort

Gear Type: Visual Observation, Ground (AA)
Channel Type:
Comments: WP0288
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (A)
EF Time(s): 418 Efficiency: Fair
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP0289-0290
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (B)
EF Time(s): 339 Efficiency: Fair
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP0291-0292
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (C)
EF Time(s): 251 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP0293-0294
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (D)
EF Time(s): 213 Efficiency: Fair
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP0295-0296
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (E)
EF Time(s): 175 Efficiency: Fair
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP0297-0298
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (F)
EF Time(s): 195 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP0299-0300
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (G)
EF Time(s): 183 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP0301-0302
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (H)
EF Time(s): 157 Efficiency: Fair
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP0303-0304
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (I)
EF Time(s): 168 Efficiency: Fair
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP0305-0306
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (J)
EF Time(s): 189 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP0307-0308
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (K)
EF Time(s): 193 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP0309-0310
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (L)
EF Time(s): 389 Efficiency: Fair
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP0311-0312

Fish Observations

Species: carcass chum salmon Life History: Anadromous
Total Fish Observed: 2 Fish Measured: 2 Passage Barrier:
Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 550 Max: 555 Mean: 552
Collected/Observed by Gear Type: Visual Observation, Ground (2)
Species: juvenile/adult ninespine stickleback Life History: Resident
Total Fish Observed: 1 Fish Measured: 1 Passage Barrier:
Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 52 Max: 52 Mean: 52
Collected/Observed by Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (1)
Species: juvenile/adult slimy sculpin Life History: Resident
Total Fish Observed: 2 Fish Measured: 2 Passage Barrier:
Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 25 Max: 56 Mean: 40
Collected/Observed by Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (2)
Species: juvenile/adult Arctic grayling Life History: Resident
Total Fish Observed: 2 Fish Measured: 2 Passage Barrier:
Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 58 Max: 61 Mean: 59
Collected/Observed by Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (1) Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (1)
Species: juvenile/adult Arctic grayling Life History: Resident
Total Fish Observed: 6 Fish Measured: 6 Passage Barrier:
Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 273 Max: 316 Mean: 298
Collected/Observed by Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (4) Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (2)


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