Fish Inventory Site FSNPR1611A01

Coordinates (dec. deg.): 69.58531°, -150.30791°
Legal Description: U003N007E25
Region: Arctic

Datum: WGS84
Quad Name / ITM: Umiat C-1
AWC Stream #: 330-00-10460
Stream Name: Kuparuk


Site Comments: WP 223 - 246. Unnamed upper tributary of Kuparuk River

Survey Date: Aug 11, 2016

Survey FSNPR16-11A01

Observers: Joe Giefer, Mark Eisenman

Station Characteristics

Water Temperature: 8.82° C DO: 10.66 ppm Conductivity: 76.0 μS/cm Stream Stage:
Water Color: Humic Turbidity: 1.54 NTU / pH: 8.05 Stream Gradient: 0.9%
Qualitative Velocity: 48 hr. Precipitation/Runoff: Trace
Substrates: Gravel, Cobble, Silt/Clay
Channel Dimensions:
  (OHW) (Wetted)
Stream Width: 12.2 m
Thalweg Depth: 1.0 m
Rosgen Channel Classification:
Visit Comments: Approximately 5km downstream of C26. Hanna Probe: pH = 8.05, Cond = 117. Very low water in a channel that appears to carry large sediment loads at times. Massive sandy point bars on river bends have driven what little water remains flowing into a new channel through adjacent tundra.

Vegetation Classification

Left Bank Right Bank
0-5 Open Low Willow Shrub Open Low Willow Shrub
5-10 Tussock Tundra Open Low Willow Shrub
10-20 Tussock Tundra Tussock Tundra
20-30 Tussock Tundra Tussock Tundra

Fish Sampling Effort

Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (A)
EF Time(s): 149 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 224 - 225
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (B)
EF Time(s): 203 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 226 - 227
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (C)
EF Time(s): 175 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 228 - 229
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (D)
EF Time(s): 169 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 230 - 231
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (E)
EF Time(s): 192 Efficiency: Fair
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 232 - 233
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (F)
EF Time(s): 216 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 234 - 235
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (G)
EF Time(s): 173 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 236 - 237
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (H)
EF Time(s): 176 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 238 (end point)
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (I)
EF Time(s): 216 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 239 - 240
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (J)
EF Time(s): 177 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 241 - 242
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (K)
EF Time(s): 145 Efficiency: Fair
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 243 - 244
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (L)
EF Time(s): 152 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 245 - 246

Fish Observations

Species: juvenile/adult slimy sculpin Life History: Resident
Total Fish Observed: 1 Fish Measured: 1 Passage Barrier:
Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 78 Max: 78 Mean: 78
Collected/Observed by Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (1)
Species: juvenile/adult ninespine stickleback Life History: Resident
Total Fish Observed: 5 Fish Measured: 5 Passage Barrier:
Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 42 Max: 52 Mean: 45
Collected/Observed by Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (1) Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (2) Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (2)
Species: juvenile/adult Arctic grayling Life History: Resident
Total Fish Observed: 7 Fish Measured: 7 Passage Barrier:
Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 47 Max: 337 Mean: 99
Collected/Observed by Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (1) Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (6)


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