Fish Inventory Site FSNPR1610C05

Coordinates (dec. deg.): 68.86707°, -154.57803°
Legal Description: U007S011W05
Region: Arctic

Datum: WGS84
Quad Name / ITM: Killik River D-3
AWC Stream #:
Stream Name: Aupuk Creek


Site Comments: H221

Survey Date: Aug 04, 2016

Survey FSNPR16-10C05

Observers: Raye Ann Neustel, J Johnson

Station Characteristics

Water Temperature: 7.67° C DO: 12.19 ppm Conductivity: 153.0 μS/cm Stream Stage: Medium
Water Color: Clear Turbidity: 7.97 NTU / pH: 7.62 Stream Gradient: 1.75%
Qualitative Velocity: 48 hr. Precipitation/Runoff: None
Substrates: Gravel, Cobble
Channel Dimensions:
  (OHW) (Wetted)
Stream Width: 18.1 m
Thalweg Depth: 0.64 m
Rosgen Channel Classification: (D4) Braided channel with longitudinal and transverse bars. Very wide channel with eroding banks.
Visit Comments: None

Vegetation Classification

Left Bank Right Bank
0-5 Closed Tall Willow Shrub Unvegetated
5-10 Tussock Tundra Unvegetated
10-20 Tussock Tundra Unvegetated
20-30 Tussock Tundra Closed Tall Willow Shrub

Fish Sampling Effort

Fish Observations

Species: juvenile/adult Arctic grayling Life History: Resident
Total Fish Observed: 1 Fish Measured: 1 Passage Barrier:
Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 47 Max: 47 Mean: 47
Collected/Observed by Gear Type:
Species: juvenile/adult slimy sculpin Life History: Resident
Total Fish Observed: 1 Fish Measured: 1 Passage Barrier:
Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 92 Max: 92 Mean: 92
Collected/Observed by Gear Type:


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