Fish Inventory Site FSNPR1610A01

Coordinates (dec. deg.): 68.74574°, -153.34067°
Legal Description: U008S006W16
Region: Arctic

Datum: WGS84
Quad Name / ITM: Killik River C-1
AWC Stream #:
Stream Name: Okokmilaga River


Site Comments: WP 198 - 222

Survey Date: Aug 08, 2016

Survey FSNPR16-10A01

Observers: Joe Giefer, Mark Eisenman

Station Characteristics

Water Temperature: 10.2° C DO: 10.13 ppm Conductivity: 137.0 μS/cm Stream Stage:
Water Color: Clear Turbidity: 1.21 NTU / pH: 9.32 Stream Gradient: 1.5%
Qualitative Velocity: 48 hr. Precipitation/Runoff: None/Trace
Substrates: Cobble, Gravel, Sand
Channel Dimensions:
  (OHW) (Wetted)
Stream Width: 39.9 m
Thalweg Depth: 1.5 m
Rosgen Channel Classification:
Visit Comments: YSI pH reading is suspect, (when probe gets damp inside pH readings can be off, using Hanna Probe to check consistency and on this day it was off compared to previous 9 days). Hanna Probe: pH = 8.12, Cond = 226

Vegetation Classification

Left Bank Right Bank
0-5 Open Tall Alder-Willow Shrub Open Tall Willow Shrub
5-10 Tussock Tundra Tussock Tundra
10-20 Tussock Tundra Tussock Tundra
20-30 Tussock Tundra Tussock Tundra

Fish Sampling Effort

Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (A)
EF Time(s): 179 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 199 - 200
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (B)
EF Time(s): 257 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 201 - 202
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (C)
EF Time(s): 150 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 203 - 204
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (D)
EF Time(s): 212 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 205 - 206
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (E)
EF Time(s): 230 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 207-208
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (F)
EF Time(s): 317 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 209-210
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (G)
EF Time(s): 228 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 211-212
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (H)
EF Time(s): 260 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 213-214
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (I)
EF Time(s): 323 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 215-216
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (J)
EF Time(s): 258 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 217-218
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (K)
EF Time(s): 276 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 219-220
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (L)
EF Time(s): 215 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 221-222
Gear Type: Visual Observation, Boat (JJ)
Channel Type:
Comments: WP 217-218
Gear Type: Visual Observation, Boat (KK)
Channel Type:
Comments: WP 219-220

Fish Observations

Species: juvenile/adult slimy sculpin Life History: Resident
Total Fish Observed: 4 Fish Measured: 1 Passage Barrier:
Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 52 Max: 52 Mean: 52
Collected/Observed by Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (1) Visual Observation, Boat (2) Visual Observation, Boat (1)


No photos available.

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