Fish Inventory Site FSNPR1608A01

Coordinates (dec. deg.): 68.80344°, -154.38099°
Legal Description: U007S010W30
Region: Arctic

Datum: WGS84
Quad Name / ITM: Killik River D-3
AWC Stream #:
Stream Name: Oolamnagavik River


Site Comments: WP 0146-0168

Survey Date: Aug 06, 2016

Survey FSNPR16-08A01

Observers: Joe Giefer, Mark Eisenman

Station Characteristics

Water Temperature: 9.05° C DO: 10.63 ppm Conductivity: 211.0 μS/cm Stream Stage: Low
Water Color: Clear Turbidity: 0.54 NTU / pH: 7.4 Stream Gradient: 1.5%
Qualitative Velocity: Medium 48 hr. Precipitation/Runoff: None/Trace
Substrates: Cobble, Gravel, Sand
Channel Dimensions:
  (OHW) (Wetted)
Stream Width: 16.2 m
Thalweg Depth:
Rosgen Channel Classification:
Visit Comments: Hanna Probe; pH = 7.6, Cond (u) = 330.

Vegetation Classification

Left Bank Right Bank
0-5 Mesic Sedge-Herb Meadow Tundra Open Low Willow Shrub
5-10 Mesic Sedge-Herb Meadow Tundra Mesic Sedge-Herb Meadow Tundra
10-20 Mesic Sedge-Herb Meadow Tundra Mesic Sedge-Herb Meadow Tundra
20-30 Mesic Sedge-Herb Meadow Tundra Mesic Sedge-Herb Meadow Tundra

Fish Sampling Effort

Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (A)
EF Time(s): 118 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 147-148
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (B)
EF Time(s): 142 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 149-150
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (C)
EF Time(s): 173 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 151-152
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (D)
EF Time(s): 228 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 153-154
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (E)
EF Time(s): 159 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 155-156
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (F)
EF Time(s): 140 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 157-158
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (G)
EF Time(s): 180 Efficiency: Poor
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 159-160
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (H)
EF Time(s): 176 Efficiency:
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 161-162
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (I)
EF Time(s): 108 Efficiency:
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 163-164
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (J)
EF Time(s): 152 Efficiency:
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 165-166
Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (K)
EF Time(s): 91 Efficiency:
Channel Type: Main Channel (>50% of water flow)
Comments: WP 167-168
Gear Type: Visual Observation, Boat (AA)
Channel Type:
Comments: WP 147-148
Gear Type: Visual Observation, Boat (HH)
Channel Type:
Comments: WP 161-162
Gear Type: Visual Observation, Boat (II)
Channel Type:
Comments: WP 163-164

Fish Observations

Species: juvenile/adult Arctic grayling Life History: Resident
Total Fish Observed: 9 Fish Measured: 5 Passage Barrier:
Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 95 Max: 385 Mean: 293
Collected/Observed by Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (1) Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (3) Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (1) Visual Observation, Boat (1) Visual Observation, Boat (1) Visual Observation, Boat (2)
Comments: Grayling appear largely unaffected by all efishing settings unless they are within 2 ft +/- of the annode. Even using the highest settings did not appear to increase field strenght /range to "pull" them in.
Species: juvenile/adult slimy sculpin Life History: Resident
Total Fish Observed: 5 Fish Measured: 5 Passage Barrier:
Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 41 Max: 83 Mean: 64
Collected/Observed by Gear Type: Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (1) Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (2) Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (1) Boat-Mounted Electrofisher (1)


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