Fish Passage Site 30303080

Coordinates (dec. deg.): 59.04218°, -158.48170°
Legal Description: S013S055W20
Region: Southwest
Road Name: Kanakanak Road

Datum: NAD83
Quad Name / ITM: Dillingham A-7
AWC Stream #: 325-30-10100-2025
Stream Name: Scandinavian Creek


Site Comments: None

Multiple surveys have been conducted at this site — click on the drop down
arrow to the right of the survey date below to choose a different report for this site.

Survey SWA12-DIL18

Project Supervisor: Gillian O'Doherty, Alaska Department of Fish and Game — Anchorage, AK
Observers: Gillian O'Doherty, Mark Eisenman

Overall Fish Passage Rating: Gray

Tidal: Yes
Backwatered: No

Step Pools: No
Construction Year:

Comments: Tidal. At low tide culver outlet free falls onto concret slab steps. Pipe is completely rusted and becomes almost completely inundated at high tide. Inlet bottom mostly rusted away.

Culvert Measurements

ID: 1 Structure Type: Circular pipe (Corrugated steel) Fish Passage Rating: Gray
Length(ft): 93.7
Inlet Type: Projecting
Outlet Type: Projecting
Corrugation Depth(in.): 0.5
Corrugation Width(in.): 2.5
Condition Rating(1-5): 1
Approach Angle: 35.0
Sedimentation At Inlet: Yes
Inlet Substrate: None
Outlet Substrate: None
Width(ft):6.1 6.1
Height(ft):6.5 6.1
Apron Length(ft):
Water Depth(ft): 0.65
Rustline Height(ft):6.5
Substrate Depth(ft):0.0 0.0
Backwatered?: No
Baffles Present: No
Embedded?: No
Outfall Height:
Outfall Type: Free Fall on To Rip Rap
Constriction Ratio: 1.31
Culvert Gradient: 1.12%
Max Slope:
Max Slope Length:

Comments: Outfall is freefall onto concrete slab. Entered free fall onto rip rap as this is closest. No outfall height because pipe is tidal.

Stream Measurements

Stream SubstratesUpstreamDownstream
Stream Slope(deg.):
Stream Flow Stage:Medium
Stream Width Type Distance From
Crossing (ft)
Width (ft)
Upstream ordinary high water 124.0 6.00
Upstream ordinary high water 167.0 3.00
Upstream ordinary high water 190.0 5.00


Locator ID Culvert
Distance (ft)1
Distance From
Crossing (ft)2
Elevation (ft)
Road Elev (on bike path) 26.73
D/S Grade Ctrl (Thalweg) (channel below concrete weir) 0.00 7.12
D/S Water Surface Elev 0.00 8.06
Outlet Invert (on metal pipe) 16.00 10.89
D/S Water Surface Elev 16.00 11.54
Outlet Culvert Top (just behind bent part) 16.50 17.37
Inlet Culvert Top (high tide line = about top of pipe) 110.20 18.42
Inlet Culvert Invert (on concrete footer, pipe rusted) 110.20 11.76
U/S Water Surface Elev 110.20 12.90
U/S Water Surface Elev 120.20 12.87
U/S Grade Ctrl (Thalweg) 120.20 11.65


  1. River distance is measured continuously throughout the survey reach along the thalweg of the stream.
  2. Measured from each end of the crossing along the thalweg of the stream.

Fish Sampling Efforts

Gear Type: Visual Observation, Ground (A)
Comments: No traps set, no fish observed.

Fish Observations

No fish observations occurred during this survey.

Questions or comments about this report can be directed to