Fish Passage Site 30203269

Coordinates (dec. deg.): 58.68480°, -156.67130°
Legal Description: S017S045W23
Region: Southwest
Road Name: Alaska Peninsula Highway

Datum: NAD83
Quad Name / ITM: Naknek C-3
AWC Stream #:
Stream Name: Eskimo Creek


Site Comments: There is another culvert on the Air Force Base about 400 feet upstream from this culvert.

Survey Date: Oct 01, 2013

Survey SWA12-KIS02

Project Supervisor: Gillian O'Doherty, Alaska Department of Fish and Game — Anchorage, AK
Observers: Mark Eisenman, Gillian O'Doherty

Overall Fish Passage Rating: Red

Tidal: No
Backwatered: No

Step Pools: No
Construction Year:

Site Observations:

  1. Outfall height red
  2. Inlet perch
  3. Beaver Activity

Comments: Remenants of an old beaver dam at inlet creating inlet perch. ATV trail cuts across stream directly below outlet. Outlet pool and gradient being held back by old pipe. Long riffle downstream. Upstream is a remenant of an old beaver pond complex. No traps set, too cold. No fish observed at site.

Culvert Measurements

ID: 1 Structure Type: Oval (Structural aluminum plate) Fish Passage Rating: Red
Length(ft): 77.0
Inlet Type: Mitered
Outlet Type: Mitered
Corrugation Depth(in.): 3.0
Corrugation Width(in.): 9.0
Condition Rating(1-5): 3
Approach Angle: 15.0
Sedimentation At Inlet: Yes
Inlet Substrate: Organic
Outlet Substrate: None
Width(ft):10.0 10.0
Height(ft):13.0 12.5
Apron Length(ft):
Water Depth(ft): 0.82
Rustline Height(ft):
Substrate Depth(ft):3.0 0.0
Backwatered?: No
Baffles Present: No
Embedded?: No
Outfall Height: 0.37
Outfall Type: Free Fall In To Pool
Constriction Ratio: 0.91
Culvert Gradient: 0.80%
Max Slope:
Max Slope Length:

Comments: Inlet miter 15 feet, outlet miter 13 feet. Inlet substrate estimated.

  Culvert Observations:
  1. Outfall height red
  2. Beaver Activity
  3. Inlet perch

Stream Measurements

Stream SubstratesUpstreamDownstream
Stream Slope(deg.):
Stream Flow Stage:Medium
Stream Width Type Distance From
Crossing (ft)
Width (ft)
Upstream ordinary high water 11.20
Upstream ordinary high water 11.70
Upstream ordinary high water 10.00


Locator ID Culvert
Distance (ft)1
Distance From
Crossing (ft)2
Elevation (ft)
Road Elev 97.91
D/S Thalweg (in riffle) 0.00 79.88
D/S Water Surface Elev 0.00 81.18
D/S Water Surface Elev 56.00 82.28
Max Pool Depth (pool below pipe crossing) 56.00 81.07
D/S Water Surface Elev 57.00 82.71
D/S Tailcrest or 1st Thalweg (Pipe crossing and Tailwater control) 57.00 82.17
Max Pool Depth 76.00 79.94
Outlet Pool Water Elev 76.00 82.68
Outlet Invert (on pipe) 86.00 82.23
D/S Water Surface Elev 86.00 83.05
Outlet Culvert Top 99.00 94.90
Inlet Culvert Top 148.00 95.29
U/S Water Surface Elev (inside pipe, below inlet perch) 160.00 83.53
Inlet Culvert Invert (on top of beaver dam) 163.00 83.93
U/S Water Surface Elev 163.00 85.65
U/S Water Surface Elev 173.00 85.73
U/S Thalweg 173.00 83.03


  1. River distance is measured continuously throughout the survey reach along the thalweg of the stream.
  2. Measured from each end of the crossing along the thalweg of the stream.

Fish Sampling Efforts

No fish sampling occurred during this survey.

Fish Observations

No fish observations occurred during this survey.

Questions or comments about this report can be directed to