Fish Passage Site 10103549

Coordinates (dec. deg.): 55.56147°, -133.07762°
Legal Description: C073S081E10
Region: Southeast
Road Name: Cemetery Road

Datum: NAD83
Quad Name / ITM: Craig C-4
AWC Stream #: 103-60-10450
Stream Name: Trevor Creek


Site Comments: None

Survey Date: Jun 09, 2017

Survey SEA17-CEM02

Observers: Mark Eisenman, Elizabeth Flory

Overall Fish Passage Rating: Red

Tidal: No
Backwatered: No

Step Pools: No
Construction Year:

Site Observations:

  1. Inlet perch
  2. Outfall height red
  3. Constriction ratio red
  4. Culvert gradient gray

Comments: 200 feet upstream to highway culvert. Dense vegetation around culvert. TWC log controlled. Confluence with CEM01 Creek about 700 ft downstream.

Culvert Measurements

ID: 1 Structure Type: Circular pipe (Corrugated steel) Fish Passage Rating: Red
Length(ft): 68.0
Inlet Type: Projecting
Outlet Type: Projecting
Corrugation Depth(in.): 0.5
Corrugation Width(in.): 2.75
Condition Rating(1-5): 2
Approach Angle: 0.0
Sedimentation At Inlet: Yes
Inlet Substrate: None
Outlet Substrate: None
Width(ft):6.0 5.9
Height(ft):6.0 6.0
Apron Length(ft):
Water Depth(ft): 0.35
Rustline Height(ft):1.5
Substrate Depth(ft):0.0 0.0
Backwatered?: No
Baffles Present: No
Embedded?: No
Outfall Height: 1.03
Outfall Type: Free Fall In To Pool
Constriction Ratio: 0.39
Culvert Gradient: 1.51%
Max Slope:
Max Slope Length:

Comments: Portions of culvert outlet have rusted away.Culvert bottom has ruted out in places. Inlet perch. Large rock in centre of culvert creating gradient break (not stable)

  Culvert Observations:
  1. Inlet perch
  2. Outfall height red
  3. Constriction ratio red
  4. Culvert gradient gray

Stream Measurements

Stream SubstratesUpstreamDownstream
Stream Slope(deg.):
Stream Flow Stage:High
Stream Width Type Distance From
Crossing (ft)
Width (ft)
Downstream ordinary high water 200.0 13.00
Downstream ordinary high water 500.0 17.50
Downstream ordinary high water 700.0 16.00


Locator ID Culvert
Distance (ft)1
Distance From
Crossing (ft)2
Elevation (ft)
Road Elev 97.67
D/S Grade Ctrl (Thalweg) (Plunge pool) 0.00 80.31
D/S Water Surface Elev 0.00 80.66
D/S Thalweg (Plunge pool max depth) 6.50 79.00
D/S Water Surface Elev 6.50 80.65
D/S Grade Ctrl (Thalweg) (Log control) 10.50 81.40
D/S Water Surface Elev 10.50 81.63
D/S Water Surface Elev 16.50 81.69
D/S Tailcrest or 1st Thalweg 16.50 81.16
Max Pool Depth 21.50 80.61
D/S Water Surface Elev 21.50 81.73
Outlet Invert (On pipe) 26.00 82.41
D/S Water Surface Elev 26.00 82.76
Outlet Culvert Top 29.00 88.48
Inlet Culvert Top 97.00 89.51
Inlet Culvert Invert 97.00 83.38
U/S Water Surface Elev 97.00 84.04
U/S Water Surface Elev 101.00 84.49
U/S Grade Ctrl (Thalweg) (Inlet perch) 101.00 85.11


  1. River distance is measured continuously throughout the survey reach along the thalweg of the stream.
  2. Measured from each end of the crossing along the thalweg of the stream.

Fish Sampling Efforts

Gear Type: Minnow Trap (A) Trap Duration(h): 2.5
Comments: 50ft upstream
Gear Type: Minnow Trap (B) Trap Duration(h): 2.5
Comments: 20 ft downstream

Fish Observations

Species: juvenile coho salmon Life History: Anadromous
Total Fish Observed: 2 Fish Measured: 2 Fork Lengths (mm) Min: 69 Max: 81 Mean: 75
Collected/Observed by Gear Type: Downstream Minnow Trap (2)  

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