Moose Hunter Orientation
Moose Hunter Orientation

Moose hunters in Game Management Units 7 and 15 must complete this moose antler configuration orientation. After completing the orientation you will be emailed a certificate of completion. Please print the certificate, and carry it with you while hunting. Although this orientation is not currently required statewide, all moose hunters are encouraged to complete the orientation. There are many antler restricted moose hunts across Alaska and every hunter is responsible for knowing the regulations for their hunt area and taking only legal game. Hunters who harvest illegal game are subject to criminal penalties. This orientation was created to help hunters identify legal moose and reduce violations.

Prior to taking this orientation, you should review Identifying a Legal Moose (PDF 560 kB) and the web page More on Moose & Moose Hunting. You should also watch the Is This Moose Legal? video on our website or available at ADF&G offices.

Regardless of where you hunt, the following are applicable:

  1. Carry a current hunting license and the proper harvest tickets or permits for the area you are hunting. Nonresident and nonresident alien hunters must also have a locking tag.
  2. If you are unsure if a moose is legal, don't shoot.
  3. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game recommends that hunters shoot moose in the vitals (heart/lungs).
  4. After harvesting a moose, the first thing you should do is validate your harvest ticket by cutting out the month and day of the kill. Remember, the first thing you should cut is your ticket, not the animal.
  5. Evidence of sex must remain naturally attached in hunts limited to one sex. Antlers must be salvaged where there are antler restrictions; the antlers must remain naturally attached to the unbroken or uncut skull plate if the required number of brow tines are not present. 
  6. In hunts with antler restrictions, you may only possess or transport the animal if both antlers accompany the last load of meat.
  7. Wanton waste of game meat due to a hunter's negligent care is a serious violation of hunting regulations.
  8. Failing to comply with regulations in your area is a punishable offense.