Fish Count Data Search
The department, federal agencies, and nongovernment organizations operate counting projects to count the numbers of migrating fish (primarily salmon), using weirs, sonars and counting towers in a number of streams throughout Alaska. This tool is used by the various fisheries divisions for a variety of management objectives. This website has compiled counts from a number of different sources to provide inseason and historical data.
This site does not include all of the sites in the state, only those for which inseason data is readily accessible. All counts for the current year are considered preliminary data and subject to change.
Search Fish Counts
Begin by selecting a location:
This drop down menu provides you with a list of Northern, Southwest and Southcentral streams for which current or historical fish count data is available.
Harvest per Effort
For Southeast Areas
Top 20 recent searches
- Kenai River (late-run sockeye) Sockeye
- Kenai River (Chinook) Chinook - Late Run
- Russian River Sockeye - Early Run
- Kasilof River (sockeye) Sockeye
- Copper River (Miles L) Sockeye
- Situk River Steelhead
- Nushagak River Chinook
- Anchor River Chinook
- Buskin River Sockeye
- Deshka Chinook
- Fish Creek Sockeye
- Russian River Sockeye - Late Run
- Anchor River Steelhead
- Crooked Creek Chinook
- Situk River Sockeye
- Russian River Coho
- Nushagak River Sockeye
- Gulkana River Chinook
- Kenai River (Chinook) Chinook - Early Run
- Anchor River Coho
See Also:
- Southeast Alaska Fish Count/Escapement counts are found in the Division of Commercial Fisheries section.
- See also the Kuskokwim Area fish counts/escapement data
- See also the Yukon Area fish counts/escapement data
- See also the Norton Sound Area fish counts/escapement data
- See also the Upper Cook Inlet fish counts/escapement data
- Copper River Sockeye Salmon Escapement Preliminary inseason sockeye salmon escapement estimates for the Copper River.
These estimates are collected by Division of Commercial Fisheries - Southeast Management Areas Sport Fish Fishing Reports contain harvest-per-effort statistics.
- See also the Statewide sonar programs for more detail about estimates generated by the Department's sonar programs.