Hatcheries and Stocking
Statewide Stocking Plan
Each year, the Division of Sport Fish asks the angling public to comment on the draft Statewide Stocking Plan. Coupled with public input, the Division of Sport Fish puts considerable effort in the development of this plan. The plan provides general stocking information and includes management objectives of the division’s enhancement program, as well as the proposed stocking numbers and locations. Approximately 7 million fish are planned for release in 2024 at hundreds of locations throughout the state with the goal of diversifying and improving sport fishing opportunities.
The Statewide Stocking Plan for Sport Fisheries, 2024 document is available for public review and comment through January 31, 2024. The stocking of newly proposed locations for sport fish enhancement will not occur until the public has been notified of the stocking proposal and has had an opportunity to comment.
The PDF file of the plan has been divided into four parts. The introduction explains the overall direction of the program, while the three regional sections outline program objectives for each of the three Division of Sport Fish management regions. Click on the appropriate link below to view the section in which you are interested.
Any comments on this plan should be sent via email to Marley Loomis at the Department of Fish and Game at: marley.loomis@alaska.gov, or mailed to:
Marley Loomis
William Jack Hernandez Sport Fish Hatchery
941 N. Reeve Blvd.
Anchorage, AK 99501