Alaska Wildlife Notebook Series

The Alaska Wildlife Notebook Series is an encyclopedia of Alaska's wildlife, ranging from little brown bats to blue whales. It is available online and in print form, as a perfect-bound, 300-page black and white book.

The Alaska Wildlife Notebook series has long been one of the most popular publications of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The book was updated in 2008 and the new edition, revised by department biologists, features more than 150 different animals. Included are: big game, small game, furbearers, nongame animals, birds, fish, shellfish, reptile and amphibians. Each chapter offers insights into the life history, reproductions, feeding habits, management and conservation of Alaska's diverse wildlife.

To purchase a print copy for $12.95, contact or call 907-465-4190. Wholesale rates are also available to booksellers, and copies of Alaska Wildlife Notebook Series are available in many Alaska bookstores.

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